3/11/20 11:03 a.m.
I know that this has come up before, but am looking for help finding the numbers to go with it.
Short story: I plan to use a newer Corvette drivetrain and suspension in a project, using the OEM automatic transaxle.
Longer story: It'll probably go under a 1960's something to avoid California's smog test. The initial plan, for simplicity, was to use it as-is, front engine and rear transmission, but then thoughts drifted to possibly starting with a cheap and unassuming van shell. This then led to the thought of removing the torque tube and bolting the engine straight to the transmission. I know that this has been done and realize that it results in a very long assembly, and the question is, how long? I'm specifically looking for the overall length, from rear axle centerline to the very front of the engine assembly (including forward projections like pulleys and accessories). From various pictures, it seems like it's around 55-60", which is huge, but may still be fine (read: affordable) for a van installation. An approximate number is fine :)
Now, whether the van would even fit in the garage along with a separate Corvette drivetrain during the build is a separate matter.
It will be longer than a regular LS/4L60E by the difference of the tailshaft housing vs the differential.
You need to source the front plate and maybe TC from a "normal" LS car. The only major difference in the rear of the transmission is that it has a differential bolted onto it instead of a regular tailshaft housing for a slip yoke.
I helped a guy do this with an LS/T56 in an S10. The front of the engine was in the extended cab portion, transmission under the front of the bed.
So, if you can find dimensions on the tailshaft housing (should be about 4-6") and dimensions on the 'vette differential, you'll have your answer.
I have an engine, trans and torque tube sitting separately in my garage. I'll get you some measurements this evening.
3/11/20 1:35 p.m.
Sweet, and thank you very much!
these guys made a replica of a cadillac LMP1 prototype with the torque tubeless corvette drive train you are describing. Katech built their engines, so one of them might be able to sell you the adapter.
the drivetrain makes a crazy long wheelbase, but that’s what the original had.
quick google:

Front most piece of engine (water pump pulley) to rear mounting face (not including clutch or dowel pins): 29 inches.
Front bellhousing of torque tube: 5.75 inches
Mating surface of trans to centerline of axles: 24 inches
3/11/20 8:55 p.m.
Okay, so round up to an easy to remember 5 feet. Cool, and thank you very much; it'll serve as an important go/no go test for candidate platforms!
kb58 said:
So if I add those up, it's basically 60", or 5 feet. Okay, thank you very much, as it's an important go/no go test for candidate platforms!
To be safe I'd add at least a few inches of coupling area. The bellhousing alone won't bolt to the trans, and the way the shift linkage is you'll need some space to accommodate that. Probably at least another 6-8" of adaptive coupling of some sort.
3/11/20 10:15 p.m.
Fair enough, so figure 5.5 feet then at least. Thanks again.
3/12/20 7:57 a.m.
Just wait for a C8 transaxle. It won't be long before they start getting totaled!