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Seeking Black Drifters- Car Drifting (Downtown Atlanta)
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Date: 2008-08-01, 12:08PM EDT
Seeking African American car drifters for an interview segment on the sport of "drifting".
* Location: Downtown Atlanta
* Compensation: YES
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* Please, no phone calls about this job!
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 778810590
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OH! Let me just add . . .I did NOT post this, some people on 240Atlanta found this and we all found it pretty amusing . . .I responded just to see what is said/asked.
pr0n will probably be involved.
probably, but good spam filters keep my box clean . . . HEY . . .pr0n-pun . .bow chicka bow wow . . .LOL!
"Seeking Black Drifters" eh?
Okay. How's this:
There she goes...
JG, I'm more partial to the Coasters, but still a great group
I was going to suggest the Ohio Players, but meh . . .The Drifters make for good Route 66 music too!
black drifters?,10948,10949&Color=1561
I'm almost bracing for the borderline comments that make everyone just a little uncomfortable . . .
I've gotta go with the Ohio Players, great funk and album covers coming close to porn
8/4/08 10:14 p.m.

P-Funk, people.
I'll be on the mothership while Stig tracks down those rarely seen black drifters.
I'm thinking there are fewer black dudes/chicks in drifting than there are in the NHL, PGA or country music. 
You are correct my good friend.
8/5/08 12:47 a.m.
Meanwhile, back on the Mothership...
It's a trap, designed just for you!!!!
I, Daaf Du Plooy, South African American Drifter would be pleased to be subject for your intervew. I am curently without acssesible funds after drifting event in Des Moines Iowa. I left my wallet and cheque book home. If you could kindly send gas money by Western Union I would be happy to come to intervew and reimburse you from my ample wealth stolen from the crown prince of Nigeria.
I'd pay cash to see an SUV with Dubs drifting. Seriously, where and how much?