Hey guys,
So I am a generator technician among other things at work. This past Wednesday I was at one of out locations that uses a odd genset that consists of a Audi/VW 6-cylinder turbo diesel mounted vertically and driving a generator at the bottom of the set. We have maybe 4 of these gensets left in our footprint, and I hate them with a passion! Leaky,loud, terribly conceived, high-revving lumps. Did I mention I hate them?
Well I had this genset running for a routine like I do every month, and it had been running with the building load for about 30-40 minutes. While working on another part of the building I heard so really loud noises coming from the area of the generator. By the time I got over to it (about 30 seconds) the noise got worse, and before I could do anything it made a really loud bang, and stopped really quickly.
The generator sits in a housing about the size of a Sub-zero refrigerator. I opened the door and was expecting to see really bad things. To my surprise it didn't look too bad at first glance. I noticed the serpentine belt I had just replaced about three weeks prior when we performed a full service on the engine was now half as wide as it was when new, and the cover over the cam gear was in a few pieces. No oil or other foreign fluids however. Upon further inspection I noticed the cam gear was not sitting horizontal like it should be but rather at maybe a 25 degree angle from horizontal, but the timing belt was still on it, and tight (well mostly tight), but not broken.
I got on the horn to get some help to hook up a portable genset that I was either going to go tow to the site or have a co-worker tow to me. In the meantime I was looking it over with another co-worker, and we noticed the bolt that holds the cam gear in place was still tight. He said " I bet the cam is broken!!". I agreed, and then I took off the valve cover which made a pretty good mess in itself due to the orientation. Here is what we found.
That's right, the cam is broken in two places!! No idea how, but my co-worker thinks the timing belt skipped a few teeth, and then the piston to valve contact broke the cam, but I think that would just hole a piston, or bend a valve, but I could be wrong. Anyway at least the cam is toast, and maybe the head, and the rest of the engine. There was a job in place to replace this genset anyway, so now the engineering department is expediting it.
Note we had just changed the oil,coolant,belts (not timing), hoses, and filters about three weeks ago. This is unlike our other gensets in that is spins at 3600 rpm instead of the normal 1800, and it had about 50kw of load on it at the time. I didn;t see the oil pressure as it was making noise but prior to it the oil pressure was around 45psi, and the engine was at 180 degrees.
Any ideas as to what happened?