In an attempt to build a cafe seat for my bike, I decided that the OEM tail light was way to big. I found a nice, low profile light billed as a Triumph pre-unit light.
Light in question
Big problem is my bike is 6 volt. Can I swap out the (possibly) 12 volt bulbs for corresponding 6 volters? If so, it may free up some E-Bay choices. If not, were would you look for 6 volt bike lights on the cheap?
9/25/12 6:27 a.m.
I would think so, the light housing has nothing to do with the voltage rating of the light bulb...
I would worry about the light housing if you were putting a 12V light in a 6V socket but the way you are going, I don't see a problem.
The only problem I can see is getting a 6 volt bulb to fit the 12 volt socket. If memory serves, the pin locations are different to prevent mixing them up. Not an insurmountable problem, though.
As long as the filament winds up in the same position and with the same orientation, it should work well. The reflector and lens geometry were or should have been designed for the best output with the filament there.
Another option would be just to use the housing and build yourself a 6V LED insert for it.
BoxheadTim wrote:
Another option would be just to use the housing and build yourself a 6V LED insert for it.
I would do this as well. the LED will be far brighter than a 6v bulb.
How would you go about LEDing it? Electrons and I don't get along. There are some nice cat eye lights that are LEDs. I assume you'd need a resistor to cut down the voltage?
Appleseed wrote:
How would you go about LEDing it? Electrons and I don't get along. There are some nice cat eye lights that are LEDs. I assume you'd need a resistor to cut down the voltage?
Just buy the LED bulb that fits the socket. That's what I'd do.
EDIT: I forgot this is a 6-V system. You can try using a standard LED bulb, but if it's not bright enough, you're going to have to solder some stuff up.
Once the bulb fits it'll work just fine.
FYI. 12v bulb will work in a 6v system, will just be dim. As previously said, LED would give you the brightest option. Do have to change the fixtures inside for that. Might have to also for a 6v housing, not sure a 6v bulb will fit in a 12v housing. Pretty sure the sidelock pins are different (which I think would cause the terminals to not line up) but been a long time since I've dealt with 6v. Boosting the amperage at the tail light will allow a 12v bulb to work and be as bright or brighter than the same 6v light. You'll probably have to find a local electronics supply store to find a amprage boost relay in the appropriate size. My lack of google-foo has only dug up amp booster for starter and fan circuits. An amp booster to the amp-rating of the bulb is what is needed.
Hmm...booster. I might re-up this thread once I get around to making the cafe seat.