So part of the rules, and a big part of the competition are the build book/binder/folder that we hand in that chronicles the build.
Would anyone be able to share some examples, on here, or even through the mail?
I've never been good at this part of a project, so I'd rather start and keep going throughout the year instead of rushing everything in Gainesville and finding out some receipts are back in PA or something like that.
So far I just have my receipts for the car and parts I've bought stuffed into a 3 ring binder with those clear page holder things. Is that it? Do we need the story of the car or pictures along the way?
I saw mention of them being collected at registration, but also to be with the car at Concourse. Obviously they can't be in two places at the same time, but do they count as part of the Concourse or are they more for the judges to make sure everything is on the up and up budget wise?
I also rememeber SVREX talking about how he did a powerpoint.. would a website count?
I'm not trying to steal anyones thunder, I'm just trying to not screw up my plans of finishing not last OR having the most spectacular failure.
10/29/16 8:45 p.m.
There are two purposes, and probably an argument to make two different build books.
- There is a book to document your budget (maybe should be called budget book). This is what you hand in at registration. 1st page should be a spreadsheet of all your transactions, and then you should have supporting documentation on the following pages for each transaction.
- In the concours, there is lots of time to shoot the breeze with other competitors. And people will walk around and check out your car. If you have a great story or cool build photos, people would love to see them. Often lots of great ideas are hard to see on a complete car, and build photos will help the judges know what you have modified and the manner in which you did it. Maybe tie the budget into that one, but no one needs to or wants to see receipts. They want photos. This would be the purpose of something like a PowerPoint or similar at concours. If you have something special, like you bought the car from Warren buffet, then having that kinda documentation would be cool for the concours (judges and other competitors). This one is not mandatory, but I think it is well worth the effort to assemble.
10/29/16 8:48 p.m.
I can send you my excel spreadsheet for budgeting, it works well for me.
And for the budget book, I put my transactions in chronological order (matches the spreadsheet) right after the spreadsheet.
Also, the book you had in will serve as reference document. When writing the article, the writer(s) will review your book to find those interesting tidbits about you car/build/effort.
I like the sound of the two book system. And thanks for the offer Robbie, but I already have spreadsheet budget that should work from an old project. There isn't much to sell off of the car for recoup, so it's mostly just adding everything up.
I think I'm getting a little ahead of myself project wise, I'm just trying to get everything situated early so I can fill in the blanks as I go along.
10/29/16 10:23 p.m.
The Powerpoint presentation we did was intended as the electronic version of a build book. Unfortunately, that was the first year actual 3 ring binders were required (which still left me scrambling to make a book at the last minute).
I'd be happy to share the Powerpoint presentation, but I have no idea how to host it here.
For presentation purposes, the Powerpoint was a great tool. We had it on 2 separate computers sitting on the roof of the car rotating continuously. Sometimes people looked, sometimes they asked questions (and we were able to reference pictures in the Powerpoint). It wasn't very detailed, just some overview shots, a few printed comments, and some glitz.
I've never made a great build book. I'm not good a documenting. I've gotten better at keeping a photographic record- that helps.
I think your 3 ring binder will work fine, if you keep it up. That's the trick.
Another idea would be to keep a build thread, then print it out a few days before the Challenge.
10/29/16 10:24 p.m.
Powerpoint is how I do my weekly reports for work, so it is a format I am familiar with. I really just need to document my builds with a Powerpoint the same way I document my work.