The hood on my Saab 9000 Aero needs some love. It has an assortment of giant ass paint chips and whatnot so I plan on getting it repainted. Here's my question: the center section of the hood is kind of... wavy? Almost like something heavy rolled over it or something. Not really dents, but it's just warped. Is that anything that could be straightened or am I just going to have to deal with it (or get a new hood). You can kind of see it in these pics (only ones I have and the car is currently pretty well buried, sorry)

When you get it free of the snow, bring it over to Joey's. He still does body work from time to time, and could at least guide you to whether it's fixable or not.
Nice looking car by the way. I love those wheels.
3/13/11 6:31 p.m.
Hoods can be tough to fix. A good metal tech can probably do something with it but the bracing on the underside can be an issue. I really can't tell from the photos.
The car looks fine to me, but your garage door needs a paint job or is rotting out.
3/13/11 10:59 p.m.
Hard to tell whats going on in the pics but with enough enough filling, blocking, and repainting, any wavyness is fixable. 
That looks like a big wave, you would save your self a head ache by buying a better hood. It looks like there is to much area to work with to get it back to spec's.
An old buddy of mine who does bodywork says anything can be fixed..for the right price. Metalwork is like much do you want to spend?
Hoods can be fixed, but a lot of times they aren't worth it. You have to get the metal really straight before putting a really thin coat of filler on it for final finishing. Problem is that when you open and slam the hood shut, if that filler coat is too thick, it'll start to crack, even a thin coat... Same is true with trunk lids.
Thanks for the input. I'll probably track down a nice hood. If I'm gonna pay for the paint work, the panel underneath might as well be good.
Rusted: Thanks. The wheels will probably be for sale... cough
Digdug: At the time of the photo that whole half of the garage was rotting out. Still needs paint though.