My car just died as I was backing out of a parking space. Could it be the battery? What else could it be other then the battery?
My car just died as I was backing out of a parking space. Could it be the battery? What else could it be other then the battery?
If it was running and didn't stall from a clutch mishap I wouldn't bet on the battery in a 96' civic. That should be basic enough to run on the alternator.
Does it crank?
Timing belt, fuel pump, ignition issue, etc
No cranking. I backed out of the parking spot and I put it first and it felt like it stalled and then no restarting.
it won't re-start, or it wont crank?
sounds electrical if the starter isn't turning over. if it cranks but won't fire, it sounds like a fuel pump or ignition problem (which could also be electrical).
Well we pushed started it and I made it back to the dorms and it seems to be running fine. Guess I will see if it starts in the morning.
Check to see if your battery cables are loose. My truck did that once, and turned out the neg cable was loose, and it just lost connection going over a bump or something.
Well it would start this morning. It is a pretty old battery but I will check the battery cable.
Edit: oops Wouldn't start
No click = Solonoid Click but no crank = starter
Click but no crank can also be low amperage to the starter.
I would load test the battery before you start swaping parts.
Main relay? I agree, listen for a click as your turn the key to "run" but not start and that will narrow things down for you.
Ok so I jump-started the car and it ran fine and I let it run for 45 minutes. Turned it off and it won't turn back on. I think I need a new battery.
Hummmmmmmm Could be an alternator. Did you load test the battery? Most part stores will do it for free.
96DXCivic wrote: My car just died as I was backing out of a parking space. Could it be the battery? What else could it be other then the battery?
classic conditions for a cam belt to lose its teeth
bruceman wrote:96DXCivic wrote: My car just died as I was backing out of a parking space. Could it be the battery? What else could it be other then the battery?classic conditions for a cam belt to lose its teeth
My probe gt pulled that trick on me once, thank god it wasn't an interference engine. But it was finals week.
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