There is an rx7 for sale here in the $201X forum that I really think I need to own. Problem is, I am in NW Ohio, and the car is in Virginia.
I am currently working six days a week, with various Sunday's being thrown into the schedule. A road-trip is just not in the cards for me right now.
So, I am asking if there is anyone between Fredericksburg,VA and Toledo, OH with a trailer that would be willing to help me out?
Will pay for fuel/food, and will also throw in an agreed-upon amount of $$$ for time/hassle.
Thanx for any help.
Just a bump (sorry) as I feel your pain with these kinds of deals..
Put your request up at Lot's of racers from around the Pittsburgh area, many with access to a trailer, and lot's of great people. Heck, if I had access to a trailer I'd do it for you!
Bumped because Rotary.
Good luck man, I feel your pain.
You may try
last time i picked up a car in fredericksburg and brought it back to ohio it turned out to be one of the worst 20 hour stretches of my life. so many bad memories.
In reply to Hungary Bill:
Yeah, I thought about Uship, but the car comes with a good bit of spares... Like an extra set of fenders, hood, driveshaft, and 17 wheels. Pretty small car to try and jam all of that inside a car, that has a cage, and then let whatever Billy-Bob that takes the job try to drive it onto his hauler.
2/7/14 12:39 a.m.
What kind of time frame are we talking? I'm down to be the wheelman if someone's got a trailer. I'll do it cannonball style, too.
In reply to beans:
You have a decent truck to haul with? I have a couple trailer options I'm working on. My Jeep is not really set-up for towing.
But two of my bosses told me tonight that they would give me a day or two off to make this run, as long as I come back to Ohio with a race car.
2/8/14 3:50 p.m.
No truck :( im willing to drive though!
In reply to beans:
Kinda getting things lined up, if you're up for a banzaii run...
2/8/14 5:05 p.m.
Always! I get off work on Friday at 6AM the next two weeks and dont have to be back until 9PM Sunday.
I can try as well, give me notice though
aussiesmg wrote:
I can try as well, give me notice though
We leave in 42 minutes...

grafmiata wrote:
aussiesmg wrote:
I can try as well, give me notice though
We leave in 42 minutes...
The answer to life, the universe and everything
Hey Graf,
I'm in Richmond, VA, and travel back to visit friends in Columbus, OH every so often. I have a truck I can borrow from work for the weekend, but no trailer. What sort of timeframe are you on? I probably won't be back up until it warms up a bit (March-April), but could easily drag the car up on a Uhaul trailer and put the spares in the bed.