ReverendDexter wrote:
Huh... so Challengers *aren't* bigger than P71s in every measurable way. The P71 is clearly a couple inches longer
Challenger's are bigger in every dimension including weight except length. As the illustration obviously backs-up. 
thanks Keith! Hope it was only a few clicks . . . .
11/29/11 6:45 p.m.
thanks for the civics... too bad they don't have the early '70's to match up
How about 3rd-gen. RX7 vs. various things?
11/29/11 10:03 p.m.
First Generation (1990?) Ford Exploder next to a 2011 Ford Taurus.
1990 F250 next to 2011 F150
300zx vs 350z vs 370z
S2000 vs NC
2000 Hyundai Accent vs 2012
Don't know how much you can tell with overlays, but one of the things I like to look at with new cars is height of the front of the hood (pedestrian safety), and loading height in the rear. Some of the new cars have loading heights like a pickup truck (see: Veloster). My old crappy Saturn Wagon's have spoiled me in that regard.
Dammit I need to find a way to automate that. Thought about it after you said something in the other thread. Guess its time to dust off the old php and xml book.
Also 370 vs Genesis vs FR-S
Although the wheel sizes should be accurate I still wonder how close the body dimensions are on their graphic. Pretty dang cool idea though.
Great idea, can't wait to see more!
I like how if you squint and look at the miata/911 overlay, it looks kinda like a 356.
Oh, and mtn beat me to it. I'd really like to see the new Taurus compared with any older suv really. Preferably the '90-'94 Explorer, '83-'94 S10 Blazer, '95-'04 S10 Blazer, or the '95-'00 Explorer.
11/30/11 8:55 a.m.
Cool find, Keith. I hope they help you make this accessible to all.
The overlay itself would be cake to automate. The problem is scraping all the car details from the site. We'll see what my friend at TR says. No great hope, but it never hurts to ask, right?
Oh, and I'm on the road now. I'll do a few more if I get a chance, but I have a magazine article to write first.
Back! Just a few others from the requests.
300ZX vs 370Z

Older 911 vs Camaro - someone else actually put this one together originally.

NC vs S2000 - not much in it, no surprise there.

And, what every car enthusiast wants to know, the new Taurus versus the mid-90's Explorer!

One I noticed the other day in traffic: a 2000 Grand Cherokee vs a new Outback.

And since we're looking at Outbacks...hey, I live in Colorado. I look at Outbacks all day.

One from my own driveway - at least, until I get a good Mini picture to use.

Request line is open. I reserve the right to ignore any
Remember, I'm using the Tire Rack image bank so vintage cars aren't available. If possible, give a model year so I don't have to guess what a "3rd generation" or a NB-FL is.
And the Toyobaru is not yet in the Tire Rack image database.
New Reader
12/15/11 12:17 p.m.
The new Taurus is huge, how is it compared to the original?
kurtz wrote:
The new Taurus is huge, how is it compared to the original?
Good question. And wow. This is SHO vs SHO, by the way.

Here's the 1990 Taurus laid up against a 2011 Civic.

12/15/11 12:31 p.m.
I once parked my '95 Volvo 850 wagon next to a '10 Sentra 4 door and was surprised how athletic and small my box looked
BMW '11 135
BMW '88 325is
Ferrari 355 vs Ferrari 458?
Wow. I had a 92 SHO and I remember it being a fairly large car. That's just crazy.
How about 1988 Thunderbird versus 11 Mustang?
944 vrs Boxster?
Boxster vrs NB Miata?
12/15/11 12:45 p.m.
Viper vs Miata vs C6 Corvette...
Give me the years of the Ferraris.
Here are the BMWs - I used the same E30 M3 that I'd used before.

12/15/11 1:28 p.m.
'11 Porsche Panamera Sedan -thing
'11 Porsche SUV-thing