I'll be in Dortmund, Germany for several weeks this fall and I'd like to know if there are any car-related activities or events nearby. I plan to go to the AutoMuseum Volkswagen in Wolfsburg.
Swap meets, junkyards, races, if anyone has any tips, please let me know.
Not sure if you like soccer, but the local team there - Borussia Dortmund - is one of the best in the Bundesliga (top level of pro soccer in Germany) and is known for its outstanding atmosphere. It'd be worth going for the experience as a sports fan in general. Just DON'T wear blue! 
(*videos are a bit long, you can skip around to get an idea. I haven't been to any Bundesliga matches but I've been to a few La Liga matches in Spain, similar situation: most matches between the big teams are like college football rivalry games in terms of crowd experience).
Edit: Yes, I know this isn't car-related at all per the OP, but it's a pretty significant cultural thing there, Dortmund is probably just as good a place to attend a match as Munich.
Thanks jsquared! I'll have to go to one of the matches. I apprciate the advice about not wearing blue!
At some point (I think its in the summer) there is a large Ferrari gathering in Dusseldorf. The Ferrari club makes a pilgrimage to Italy and Dusseldorf is one of the big meeting places.
I think you will miss it, but worth checking out. Last time I was there I counted about 50, including two F40s that the owners planned to drive to Italy.
Dusseldorf is very quaint. They still have the old Medieval wall around the town and at night a bugler still sounds "all is well" as a tradition. The big cathedral is lovely. Heidelberg isn't too far down the road and has a neat old castle with a winery. Lovely town.
You are about 2 hours North of the 'Ring and about 4 hours North of Stuttgart. A weekend trip down to see the Mercedes Museum and the Porsche Museum is worth it. You could also hit the Sinsheim.