Sad really, but I have a feeling the employee was out trying to impress some tail. said:
An Italian employee of Lamborghini lost control of a demonstration Gallardo in Germany on Thursday and was killed along with a female passenger. The yellow Lambo was displayed at a dealership in Wuppertal, Germany. The female, 28, lived in a nearby town.
Eyewitnesses states that the driver pushed the throttle far too much. The sports car skidded against a carriageway divider, flew through the air, hit a lamppost and burst into flames.
The officials stated that the value of the written-off car and damage amounted to 150,000 euros. Just an amount of money and not comparable to the loss of two young people.
"The officials stated that the value of the written-off car and damage amounted to 150,000 euros. Just an amount of money and not comparable to the loss of two young people."
LOL. Was he trying to convince himself?
5/7/10 7:37 a.m.
Gnarly crash, though. Guy must've really been caning it.
"Eyewitnesses states that the driver pushed the throttle far too much."
Let's see, car screams past at a high rate of speed, slams into an immoveable object, which turns a large pile of cash into a worthless pile of metal ....yeah, I'd say the throttle was pushed too far.
wow, thats a new 560-4 too! You could look at the front splitter...
I just saw photos of the Italian Polizia Gallardo wreck this week. Those things seem to attract trouble.

Holy poop!
Yeah, to say he was giving it too much throttle is like saying my hair line has moved back a bit.
dyintorace wrote:
I just saw photos of the Italian Polizia Gallardo wreck this week. Those things seem to attract trouble.
Why you should not attempt a PIT maneuver on a SUV with a doorstop.
There was a video of a GT-40 test drive where the salesman drove halfway down the block, punched it, veered left and into a parked car. Note to rich morons and those that sell to them: extremely fast cars should be handled with extreme care. You wouldn't think that would be a difficult concept to grasp, would you?
I feel bad for the passenger and her family. The driver, not so much.
5/7/10 9:31 a.m.
I really hate to say this, but the original green and the "charcoal" grey + black found on the door would make an interesting colours for a tri-tone paint scheme.
Rich idiots are all too common, unfortunately. Just because someone has $ or euros or whatever does not automatically confer common sense. Seems to be quite the opposite, actually. Still a damn shame 2 people are dead.
Lawsuit against Lamborghini for daring to build such a deadly thing in 3... 2... 1...
I say we call for sweeping legislation to mandate throttle pushing limiters in cars, since pushing the throttle too far results in the car flying off the road into the nearest immovable object. This obviously had nothing to do with driver skill, he was just able to push the throttle too much.
"Eyewitnesses states that the driver pushed the throttle far too much."
I call BS. No one was looking in at his feet when he went by.
I say it was Toyota's fault.
skruffy wrote:
I say we call for sweeping legislation to mandate throttle pushing limiters in cars, since pushing the throttle too far results in the car flying off the road into the nearest immovable object. This obviously had nothing to do with driver skill, he was just able to push the throttle too much.
Don't give them any ideas.......
foxtrapper wrote:
"Eyewitnesses states that the driver pushed the throttle far too much."
I call BS. No one was looking in at his feet when he went by.
I say it was Toyota's fault.
VW's don't unintentionally accelerate, they were engineered to stop running every time you needed to get somewhere fast.
so their unreliability is a safey feature?
Jensenman wrote:
Rich idiots are all too common, unfortunately. Just because someone has $ or euros or whatever does not automatically confer common sense. Seems to be quite the opposite, actually. Still a damn shame 2 people are dead.
Lawsuit against Lamborghini for daring to build such a deadly thing in 3... 2... 1...
No, this was in Germany, not the US.
a service writer at the local Honda store went for a test drive of a customers NSX ... you guessed it ... totaled... you also might guess he no longer works for the Honda dealer 
That'll buff right out....
Car dealerships are dangerous places.
Chicago Tribune
Car salesman shoved into window - May 7, 2010
Richard D. Bachman, 43, of the 10400 block of Circle Drive in Oak Lawn, was charged with battery after he recently got in a fight at a Chevrolet dealership in Oak Lawn, police said.
Bachman argued with a salesman about a deal then grabbed the man from behind and pushed his face against a glass window in his office at the dealership on Cicero Avenue, police said. Bachman denied the allegation, telling police that the salesman locked him inside the office after he had backed out of a sale, police said.
Police arrested Bachman after finding the imprint of the salesman's face on the glass surface of his office door, which did not have a lock on it, police said.
I would think it common to see salesmen's spit smudged face prints at the dealerships and dirty shoe prints on cheap slacks.
Harte Nissan just north of Hartford, CT won't let people on certain roads during test drives. There's a 90 degree turn near the dealership, a few years back someone was test driving a brand new 300ZX Twin Turbo, punched it, got lag, got boost, and promptly totaled the car.
5/10/10 5:36 p.m.
Driving is like sex, most people think they are far better at it than they really are.