I going to sell my car soon. Simple, right? Its a beater 95 Caprice cop car. It'll soon have 190,000 on it. Rust, dings cracked windshield and chintzy quirks.
That being said, I have more time than money. Do I butter this thing up, and make it "look" nice and spend about $200 doing it, or just say the hell with it and sell as is?
If I butter it up, I'm thinking I'll get a maximum of $8-900 out of it, or I'm sure I could sell it for $500 all day long.
What would GRM do?
split the difference. Give it a spit polish wash and just make sure it's clean. Ask $750.
In my opinion at least in Michigan almost anything that starts, stops, and goes both directions on it's own is worth almost a grand. V8 and RWD and cop car tank status are all pluses.
You can chase making a car nicer all day and only end up wasting time and money. I'd pedal it, but it sounds like it's worth more than $500 as-is.
11/10/11 12:53 p.m.
$500? E36 M3, let me go look at licensing fees, etc., and see if I'd have a place to park it. It'd be nice to have a winter beater.
11/10/11 1:13 p.m.
My philosophy on selling is that if it's road legal/capable of actually driving, it's probably worth a grand to somebody.
Good point. Ask A grand and expect $500. Anything above that = profit.