for anyone that cares about 2 cars show that i know of coming up i thought that i would post this info for you guys.
aug 29 down town grayslake from 9am to 5pm. i will be there myself wondering around since i can walk up to it.. not sure if i will have car or not to drag over. 25 bucks for showing a car not pre-reg
website info
next show is the 2nd annual meadowdale motorsports and memoriers show
sat sept 18, raindate the 19.
reg open from 8:30 am to 10
show open from 10 am to 3pm
this show is all about the old medowdale sppedway and car show.
show is on rte 31 in carpenterville, ILL
info for show is
i am not active with these shows, just thought i would toss this info out for anyone that wants to show up.
the racing show sounds like it could be neat about meeting old drivers, crew and seeing cars that use to run there though. the first one is just down the street from me about a 1/2 mile or so meybe.
and yes, if i attand you can look forward to lots of pics being posted....
Micro and mini car national meet this weekend in Crystal Lake. I'm gonna try and be there around 1:00 on Sunday.
that would explain the 5 nash bathtubs on wheels that where in the hotal parking lot in mc henry this afternoon on 31 coming back from union i seen.....i will have to come out, looks like it could be cool.
8/19/10 8:41 p.m.
That micro show is mere blocks from my house. I still doubt I will care enough to go, unless any of you guys are going to be there. I just really can't stand car shows.
i think i will and it would be nice to say hi at least....
can i parkin your drive then?
cool show - Crystal Lake is a bit of a hike from the south Chicago Suburbs...
Midwest Treffen is this weekend also, VW autocross Saturday and VW show on Sunday. VW, VW, VW....just kidding 
I grew up in Crystal Lake, and used to ride mountain bikes at Meadowdale before they turned it into a park. It blew our minds when we figured out that it used to be a road racing course. I'd love to attend, but won't be up there until next month. (heading to the SCCA Runoffs)
Autox with Windy City Miata Club Sunday.... working on cars Saturday.
Joe Gearin wrote:
I grew up in Crystal Lake, and used to ride mountain bikes at Meadowdale before they turned it into a park. It blew our minds when we figured out that it used to be a road racing course. I'd love to attend, but won't be up there until next month. (heading to the SCCA Runoffs)
I used to go to Meadowdale when it was an operating track. Very cool watching as a kid.
Meadowdale looks like it was a fun track. Too bad it went to the wayside.
Last time I was by there the front gate and the silo was still there. I hopped the fence and the bridge was there also. It was very cool.
We were out there once on our bikes and came across a section of the old track just before a washed out bridge. On the pavement there was script that said "PRAY". I guess this was the entrance to the old Monza turn. (since removed)
pretty cool place, still is
to many cool things to do...some one just had to mention what do i do damnit.......i need and want to get out of the house.......not sure if i show up to watch the autocross or the car show....sigh....guess i decide tonnight so i know which way i am driving....
Ckosacranoid, I got your e-mail. I tried to reply, but no go for some reason. I meeting a bunch of hotrodders around 1pm for the mini car meet in Crystal lake if your still interested.
My cell is ate one fyve, fyve too nyne, ate zeven O for.