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CarKid1989 Reader
11/28/08 5:48 p.m.

not all of em failed no...BUT it was running rough and threw a code that could have been related to the packs. I did all the labor and the parts were all Motorcraft parts. The plugs i pulled all were off in terms of their gap. Its .054 and these were all over, and the wrong style plugs. The coils after i inspected them had lots of corrosion on every contact point. Now the car runs great.

I had my brother come over for thanksgiving and one thing led to another and the next thing you know we are doing burnouts, and donuts, and sliding the crap outta the car. ITS FREAKING SWEET!

Now, im gonna fix my spotlight handle, detail underhood, get an alignment and do a 100% thorough look over the car.

patgizz GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/29/08 8:37 a.m.

pull a part on w 130th has a 99 with a working spotlight.

CarKid1989 Reader
2/20/09 4:04 p.m.

How are the new Impala 9C1 MPG wise?

patgizz GRM+ Memberand Dork
2/20/09 5:06 p.m.

not sure city but 30-32 highway is pretty normal for any v6 w-body. city is probably better than my p71 does on the highway.

i was looking at them as well but since we're buying a house i just need to drive the p71 till it won't go anymore.

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