Thought I would throw this up there for people in the Southeast that have run the cheese grater that was CMP.

CMP has always been known for two things. Its ability to destroy brakes. And its ability to melt the tires off of a car. 

Their Million dollar paving job took care of the tire problem. 

This tire started its life on the back of a 86 Honda Civic last year at the 24 hour race. It lived back there for 15 hours. The cheese grater didn't destroy it but it did use up a fair amount of tread. Figure about 40%.

This year, the tire stayed on the back for 12 of the 24 hours. Then it was moved to the passenger front where it lived for the rest of the race. The Civic is hard on the passenger front due to not having a LSD. It spins it coming out of the corners. I'm pretty sure we could do a 24 hour race in the Civic on 4 tires instead of the usual 6. With 6 we could do 2 races. 

I'm still very impressed with how little wear we suffered this past weekend. I'm looking forward to putting the G35 on track and seeing how it does with tire wear. 

buzzboy Dork
9/15/20 11:29 a.m.

I'm really excited to try out the new surface. We usually kill 4 tires completely and 2 half worn after a 14.5 hour race at CMP. No other track we've done kills tire(or really just left front) like that place.

captdownshift (Forum Supporter)
captdownshift (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
9/15/20 11:57 a.m.

In reply to Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) :

Similar lap times as well? Or is there less grip? Or is it a situation where braking is better but there's less peak grip in a corner and it balances out in the end. 

In reply to captdownshift (Forum Supporter) :

Everyone I've talked to has been 7 to 10 seconds a lap faster.

I don't keep up with lap times at Lemons races because there is so much traffic. I'll have to wait till I get the G35 out there at the next TT. 

captdownshift (Forum Supporter)
captdownshift (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
9/15/20 1:27 p.m.

7-10 seconds, that's eye popping.

cbaclawski Reader
9/16/20 5:42 p.m.

In reply to captdownshift (Forum Supporter) :

I ran there last friday, I wasn't any where near 7-10 sec faster, more like 1-2.  In fairness it was my first time on the new surface, and can probably shave a couple more as I figure it out.  It hasn't fully cured yet, so it's still "leaking" a little oil.  I imagine laptimes will continue to improve over the next 6-12 months...

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