I had the cat replaced in the Celica on Friday. Firing it up this morning, I got a STRONG sulphur smell from the tailpipe, that's since gone away. It's my understanding that the sulphur smell is a sign of a cat gone bad, but I thought that it was a consistent smell, not one just at start.
I really, really hope I didn't just kill my new cat :(
Sulphur can be burnt off- and you'll enjoy the procedure....
Get the car nice and warm- good 10 min highway drive.
Then start doing hard top gear accels from 50-70mph, and then back off. If your car shuts the fuel off on decel, all the better. Do that about 10 times, and you should be ok.
What kills catalysts are phosphorus poisioning, over temperature (typically from misfires), and physical imapct.
I think you'll be ok. And you might think about a better source of fuel- apparently, there's a decent amount of sulphur in it...