9/5/09 9:12 a.m.
A friend of mine works at a local dealership that I once worked at and called me up yesterday with an interesting opening line.
"How long do you think a Ford Aerostar would run with no oil in it?"
of course I thought surely not long, maybe a couple minutes TOPS.
"No, apparently they can run at least 50 minutes at WOT before bursting into flames. The firetruck came and everything! It was still runnning as we ran outside with fire extinguishers to put the fire out!"
Sodium Silicate was not used, the dealership had already been paid for that car so they decided to have a little fun.
anyone else know of any shenanigans going on with CFC cars?
A friend of mine drives a Jeep Cherokee with near bald tires.
I see on the local ford lot that in their CFC collection they have a Cherokee with darn near new tires.
With funds being tight for my friend, how open do you think the Ford dealership would to a tire/rim swap?
If your good with scaling a fence I dont think they would care 
9/5/09 10:25 a.m.
depends, some dealerships would look to sell them. more than likely he could get them for cheap if that is the case.
That used to be called "bricking". Put a brick on the gas pedal . Most didn't bother draining the oil.
9/5/09 11:29 a.m.
no brick this time. just a piece of wood between the gas pedal and bottom of the seat
The local Chevy dealer was selling Aveos for $18,995!!! They MSRP at $11,995, do the math.
Toyota dealer pulled the same stunt, but wasn't actually registered in C4C and was re-selling the cars.
The local Acura dealer has TWO E34s (525i) in the CFC row, both black, one of which was a wagon.
Datsun1500 wrote:
I just looked at Chevys site, they do have a $11995, stick, no a/c. Good luck finding one.....
Wait a minute...isn't that part of what got the American car industry into difficulty in the first place?