"should drop the "victim" act." Actually that act was titled "sarcasm". "get as good as you give"... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... Maybe later....
One would have to ask, why would a guy be searching for a naked clown? Naked, OK. Clown, OK, But you actually looked for naked clowns? How many sites did you drool through before you found the "Naked Clown Calendar 2009"?? I've heard about the West Coaster's. That's really creepy. 
JG, you crack me up! Couldn't you have figured out the pattern by maybe FEBRUARY?!? June is months away from the cover.
"Yeah, mindset. Is that what they call it nowadays? " Oh look, a chicken....
Well, I searched for creepy clowns and after a couple of pages of links related to you and your site, I changed tactics and looked for Funny Clown Calendars and it was near the bottom of the first page. Since the money went to a good cause and it was a funny concept, I thought Margie and crew would get a kick out of it. I can understand your confusion, since it requires a sense of humor.
like I said, at least we won't be graced with your presence in San Diego. I'm sure we'll cope just fine without your "humor"
fastclown wrote:
"should drop the "victim" act." Actually that act was titled "sarcasm". "get as good as you give"... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... (waiting).... Maybe later....
One would have to ask, why would a guy be searching for a naked clown? Naked, OK. Clown, OK, But you actually looked for naked clowns? How many sites did you drool through before you found the "Naked Clown Calendar 2009"?? I've heard about the West Coaster's. That's really creepy.
JG, you crack me up! Couldn't you have figured out the pattern by maybe FEBRUARY?!? June is months away from the cover.
"Yeah, mindset. Is that what they call it nowadays? " Oh look, a chicken....
He made it to September, June was just the most disturbing
Don't let J.G. kid you--he made it all the way through. Only once, though.
Matter of fact, we've ALL looked at it. Once. So far... Yeah, I'm hangin' it up next year. Given the current economic forecasts, it'll probably be the bright spot of my days.
Thanks again, Stefan. :-)
I cannot believe there is actually a market for 'naked clown calendars'.
That's almost as disturbing as the 'Chester the Molester' cartoons mentioned in another thread. 
Whoo, every time I think I'm weird, something bubbles to the surface of society that makes me realize I'm actually pretty normal. 
Not sure what to wear to the Challenge. Will GRM be shooting for a calendar, I'll bring a nose and some brake duct hose. Does Margie have it hangin'?
Some stole my calendar 
I think they were too creeped out.
I wonder what JG wanted it for?
Working on this year's awards?
He needed to get Costas to sign it