So we're less than a month away from the Challenge, and in accordance with tradition many Challenge entrants are running behind. 
There's a list of current entrants on the event page, and there are a few others who have called up to say they were coming. In reality, we're about on track compared to years previous, but it's always scary to see a thin entry list when the event is just around the corner.
What I'm really curious about is who might be still on the fence. Does anybody have a car on the ragged edge of ready that thinks they might make it? The office staff is curious...
9/2/10 3:24 p.m.
No on the fence issues here...the car will be ready and I'll be there. I shot Per an email to let him know I was late in sending in the registration form. I just need to confirm who else is coming down with us so I can include them on the form.
I am beating down doors and doing my best, need some parts and will have a handgrenade transmission, still looking like I can do it though....gotta go back to it now.
no money to attand and the car is not done yet...sigh...biggest issue every year coming u with money to drive down sigh....
I gave in and realized I couldn't rationalize the trip this year. A solo person entering it and coming from Chicago is just to much for me right now.
9/2/10 3:46 p.m.
I might be on the fence...
As always, I WILL be there, and I WANT to have a car with me, and I have several that could make it.
But I was planning on being in TeamSpectator again.
Unless, of course, someone twists my arm...
Rumor has it we're on the fence with something nowhere near as competitive as the Nismospeed Miata.
9/2/10 4:04 p.m.
Well, now I've got the car, it's just the pesky budget overrun that I have to deal with. Deal killer.
9/2/10 4:05 p.m.
I just printed my entry form. So far I'm good for the sub $1,000 class if I let it roll just about as is. Driving the challenge car down from the IL/WI border....gratuitous photo of challenge car and personal ZAV in background

New Reader
9/2/10 4:05 p.m.
We will be there this year. Just need to find time to fill out the paperwork and get it in.
9/2/10 4:51 p.m.
Well, I had a very solid and reliable entry ready to go up until about a week ago and now I am just trying to keep it together. There is a chance that I just will not make it under a grand. I think I have all the parts I need lined up and just enough time to get it put back together in time for the long drive from Massachusetts.
Of course, I have informed my girlfriend that if the car just will not come together I might hop on a plane to spectate...
Our car is in pieces, the motor and tranny are not together or actually in the car, and our new turbo setup works on paper as of right now. We are right on schedule!
I have no clue if ou paperwork is in, because my team mate (Pseudosport) is handling that end of things, but we will be there!
Just realised this is on the same weekend as the Petit Le Mans. I have a hard decission to make...
SilverFleet wrote:
Our car is in pieces, the motor and tranny are not together or actually in the car, and our new turbo setup works on paper as of right now. We are right on schedule!
I have no clue if ou paperwork is in, because my team mate (Pseudosport) is handling that end of things, but we will be there!
Why not tell them the truth in that you have not giving me your entry fee yet 
As for the car….some assembly required.

just had second car >> 1 st gen rx 7 delivered to skunk worx factory and chec for entry is in mail really
hey old tin, no luck with the mg yet?
SVreX wrote:
I might be on the fence...
As always, I WILL be there, and I WANT to have a car with me, and I have several that could make it.
But I was planning on being in TeamSpectator again.
Unless, of course, someone twists my arm...
Oh, no! You've done it, SVreX! The lower's quivering. You're about to make this Doll cry! Don't make me cry, SV! You know how messy it is when a woman cries. If you show up at the Challenge with no car -coughGTXcough-, there will be no stopping the tears!
Besides, you know I can't run unless I'm trying (in vain) to beat your car. :D
And if none of this has worked...well, don't make me call the wife to get on your butt...
9/2/10 8:27 p.m.
In reply to ckosacranoid:
pneumatics/hydraulics are working - at least I've LEDs that are flashing and blinking and blinking and flashing, just no starty yet and troubleshooting has been slow going. It's also hopelessly over budget. The e28 has been doing DD duty 5 months and is still well under a grand. I think I'll keep it that way - maybe squirt some new paint on it in the next few days. Maybe a theme - Challenge is on the last weekend of Oktoberfest
In reply to Tom Heath: is on the way this year! this year only 1 car. Next year three cars again!
The angry dainty car is coming.. again.. hopefully we'll be doing the new build next year.
Brian, Brett, Brad, Byron (busy with baby), Deb, Sabrina, & Finn.
Sorry Tom, we aren't anywhere near ready
so we are regrouping for 2011. Jumping over to Team Nelson to give a hand with their project. 
What's the deal on Team Spectator. I've always wondered about Team Spectator and the rewards banquet.
I can probably get matched up with a team, but maybe not.
In reply to VanillaSky:
Even if we don't end up hooking up for some wrench time you are more than welcome to come to the banquet with us.
That being said, team procrastination, err I mean team Gainesville will be back this year. I think we figured out which cars we're going to finish for the event just waiting on payday to send in our entry fee, and square away tire transport.