Just spoke with John (hobiercr) and he was in a bad accident last night coming home from the gym shaking down his Challenge Celica. He told me to make sure to point out that he had been driving it all week and it was running great 
Got t-boned by a red light runner, full speed. He's got a lot of broken parts but sounded as good as could be expected on the phone a few minutes ago.
Firemen had to cut the door and the cage to get him out. They mistook the fire bottle for nitrous 
He wished everyone well and good luck at the party. He's bummed to miss it.
:( I'm hoping that he's alright
Marie and I was just talking about the parking lot food deal for thursday damn !
The ultimate car guy nightmare, a freshly built car smashed in a traffic accident through no fault of their own 
That sucks but glad he's OK.
Ouch! Tell him were thinking about him.
At least the car had a cage. Hopefully that worked in his favor. Sad news though!
Dude! glad he is in one piece
10/21/15 2:21 p.m.
That sucks. There is always room on the parking lot lincoln team.
GameboyRMH wrote:
The ultimate car guy nightmare, a freshly built chellenge car up and driving to a reasonable degree of reliability smashed in a traffic accident through no fault of their own
But seriously, glad he's doing alright. Of the places money gets saved on a challenge budget, I'm glad safety remains paramount 
pimpm3 wrote:
That sucks. There is always room on the parking lot lincoln team.
I'm sure that he appreciates the offer but too many broken bits to travel for a while. Plus the elephants that seem to be standing on his ribs at the moment.....
I had heard this, but wanted confirmation before saying anything, glad you are, for the most part, OK, John
10/21/15 2:34 p.m.
Crap! Tell him best of luck, we're all pulling for him.
Wow. Really sucks.
God speed my man!
Always one of my biggest fears in any car. Glad to hear hes doing ok.
Damn, John. Get better soon.
I was afraid "broken parts" meant bones and not sheet metal...
I was right
10/21/15 3:20 p.m.
I've offered it on here before, but if he wants to take Catywampus down there and compete, he can.
Damn, talk about hard luck award. this suxxus maxximus.
This sucks, get well soon!
So in honor of the Celica that gave its life to save our friend, I couldn't find a true build thread but there is this
that started in 2010, went dormant and was just updated on Oct. 16 in preparation for the Challenge.
That's terrible!
We all wish you a speedy and complete recovery!
Wow, sorry to hear of this. Get healed up soon and it seems you have some serious cage building skills that paid off.
Ill keep him in my prayers.
Does he or his family need anything? I ain't got much, but im not going to see anyone go hungry.