was looking over at http://14point7.com/ and seems the guys have a new challenge priced WB option for us... prebuilt and ready to wire up
"Spartan Lambda Sensor"
if I didn't already have the DIY slc2 i'd prob pick one of these up... it's exactly what you need for a megasquirt setup
That is really nice. I have the SLC but that looks to be a much better solution
ya if you are using megasquirt you don't need all the extras the SLC offers... SLC is a great thing for those non EMS builds... can log info with it... but MS doens't need that :)
its amazing how low widebands have come in the last 10 years...
10/2/12 10:41 p.m.
hmm, I need to look up how much I paid for my JAW way back when. i think the Spartan may be a lower cost when the sensor cost is included with the JAW.
Wow, I like that Spartan. Its like it is tailor made for use with RomRaider. I guess I should check them out more often. I have the DIY and it works great, but there are so many features for which I have no use because I use the RomRaider logger.
Thanks for the heads up. I was working on something with slc oems but I just bought a dozen of these instead.
Thanks for the heads up, I haven't checked their site in a few months. The Bitrouble will need a WBO2
bluej wrote:
hmm, I need to look up how much I paid for my JAW way back when. i think the Spartan may be a lower cost when the sensor cost is included with the JAW.
I have a jaw in a box with an MSII build I never got working correctly enough to use. I should dig it out and hook it up to the race car just for the hell of it.
lol... I thought the GRM guys might be all over this :)...
I wonder how long before innovate or AEM starts selling a gaugeless WB?
donalson wrote:
lol... I thought the GRM guys might be all over this :)...
I wonder how long before innovate or AEM starts selling a gaugeless WB?
??? Innovate has for a long time. My buddy has had one on the LSR Spider where we fed that into a data acq system.
been a while since I looked... but doesn't it only sell with a gauge?...
er no I looked and AH that explains it... seems they sell it for what you pay for an SLC DIY2 or the same as paying for one that comes with a gauge though innovate...
donalson wrote:
lol... I thought the GRM guys might be all over this :)...
I wonder how long before innovate or AEM starts selling a gaugeless WB?
Innovate's been there for about seven or eight years now with the LC-1. AEM brought one out recently as well.
Nothing quite that tiny, though.
must be because of the price that I totally overlooked them a year ago when I got my wideband?...
I have the SLC OEM EVK At the time ti was the least expensive alternative and I had to build it. I should have just got the SLC OEM and mount it in the MS box and forgone the EVK kit.
well scratch that... apparently the controller is built into the connector of the sensor...
so i'd spend the extra $20 on the SLC oem kit and have a replaceable sensor...
I just bought one of these for $150. I might be using an EIC on my latest project, so I needed the gauge.

It is Innovate, so I'm a little concerned about reliability, but they seem to be quite good about covering faulty equipment.
10/3/12 10:18 p.m.
donalson wrote:
well scratch that... apparently the controller is built into the connector of the sensor...
so i'd spend the extra $20 on the SLC oem kit and have a replaceable sensor...
couldn't you just splice a new sensor in downstream if/when necessary? I could see it being worth the $20 to not have to, though.
bluej wrote:
donalson wrote:
well scratch that... apparently the controller is built into the connector of the sensor...
so i'd spend the extra $20 on the SLC oem kit and have a replaceable sensor...
couldn't you just splice a new sensor in downstream if/when necessary? I could see it being worth the $20 to not have to, though.
Yea, thats really easy to splice into and use Bosch UEGOs- which is what the sensor appears to be.
$20 cheaper and I don't have to assmble- seems like a good deal.
(and if you are not moving sensors, they last a LOOOOOONG time, like 150k and still run great)
donaldson wrote:
well scratch that... apparently the controller is built into the connector of the sensor...
so i'd spend the extra $20 on the SLC oem kit and have a replaceable sensor...
I saw that as well and was not sure if it was in the sensor side of the plug or in the wiring harness side of the plug. Still is is a really cool piece of hardware. Idiot proof in a way and I like Idiot proof. 
New Reader
10/4/12 7:57 a.m.
In reply to dean1484:
I saw that as well and thought it looked very similar to the little controller-ish box that is on my AEM UEGO setup. I was going to take a second look real fast, but 14point7.com seems to have been "suspended" by their hosting provider...
Retail on that is much higher, if selling that cheap I hope its not a distro.
The controller looks built as part of the non sensor half of the connector.
Site is down now unfortunately to check.
Paul_VR6 wrote:
Retail on that is much higher, if selling that cheap I hope its not a distro.
The controller looks built as part of the non sensor half of the connector.
Site is down now unfortunately to check.
On the Spartan? He's the guy that designs it.
m4ff3w wrote:
On the Spartan? He's the guy that designs it.
I was talking about 150 for the mtxl posted above.
That is pretty cheap, i bet it wasn't new at that price. That said, i've seen them fairly often for $180 new.