i have an empty passenger seat to the challenge on thursday, returning sunday. anyone need a ride either way, or got too much stuff and need someone to haul a set of tires? price is very reasonable, but you will be subject to my musical selections, which currently range from Van Morrison to Dragonforce.

If you were coming through my town, I'd totally take you up on the offer. The wife has decided she needs the car in order to commute to work.
my chosen route is I-77 South out of Charlotte, to I-26 East at Columbia, to I-95 South at St George / Holly Hill, to I-10 West at Jacksonville, to 200/301 South, to Gainesville.
plan is to leave Charlotte around 9AM tomorrow, Thursday 08 Oct.
anyone need something hauled, or care to share a ride / share the gas cost, to or from any point along the way?