I really want to add these:
to this:

I know I'll jump to CSP, but man I've lusted after IRTBs since I first got the NA6., And that induction sound is just intoxicating.
They're not as wonderful as they're always made out to be - you definitely pay some penalties in refinement and noise. Fun to drive for sure, but remember that 75% of what you read about them is hyperbole. Not for a daily driver.
Thanks for the input Keith. I value your opinion on all things Miatae very highly. I've pondered FI, even spoke with you on the phone about Janell's JRSC, but it was already sold.
Mine in not a daily, only a weekend bandit and monthly autocross machine. I like the noise, and am looking for a little more 'snap' at throttle pick up.
Doooo iiiiiit do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
Downside: You find yourself whacking the throttle open at low RPM just so you can hear the intake noises.
On an autox car, they're fun. I've only used them on high compression engines, and the interior noise at cruise is spectacularly loud. But top down when you're looking for fun, definitely a good time. Wicked noise, snappy throttle, love from fanboys everywhere.
Please, put some real filters on them. No wire. I have a monolithic ITC filter on the Seven and it doesn't cost any power - and it protects the engine.
They will definitely be filtered. I just had a season old Spec Miata race motor dropped in, from a guy who was abandoning the series. I don't want to grenade that bad boy. 90% of my driving is top down, so I think I'll enjoy the extra noise
$1,749.99?! You can buy a whole Miata for that!
I know, I gave $1500 for mine........$8000 ago

I wouldn't bother doing anything to the 1.6.
That's the kit, but you'll still need other stuff to get it to work.
MegaSquirt + VVT engine......then do ITBs on that :)