J.A. Ackley
J.A. Ackley Senior Editor
8/4/22 9:43 a.m.

Interest continues to grow for hillclimbs in Appalachia, as witnessed by last weekend’s Chasing the Dragon Hillclimb in Robbinsville, North Carolina. While two new events have sparked up recently in the region, the Dragon for many years was the only hillclimb in the area. The 15th annual event was a sellout.

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BA5 GRM+ Memberand Reader
8/4/22 11:15 a.m.

I ran in XII, broke my car, and got the t-shirt.  

Decided to rebuild my car as a hill climb special, but it's taken me longer to finish than I expected.  Hope to get back out there soon, but I'm glad that Hill Climbs have really taken off in the intervening years so I'll have more choices when it's finally done!

rustomatic Reader
8/4/22 12:01 p.m.

Wow, I didn't even know they did that so close to where I live now.  I will definitely plan to attend one of these in near future (when car is functional again), so long as they are not priced like the Virginia City hillclimb that was put on by a Ferarri club . . .

8/4/22 12:25 p.m.

This hill is a challenge, but also fun & rewarding. Great to see so many faces this year and some killer times! It's awesome to see hillclimb gaining traction in the area once again! See y'all in Norton! 

Also, thank you for sharing my video!

JahjahSQC None
8/4/22 12:28 p.m.

In reply to rustomatic :

I'm an SCCA member & paid $300. Very affordable in my opinion for a 2 day event.

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
8/4/22 1:08 p.m.

Theres 3(?) Now in the nc/tn/va/ky corner of the world. I think ccr scca is the host club for pine mt and chasing the dragon. 

I really hop i can volunteer next time. Get a feel for the hill before trying to run it.

jmabarone Reader
8/4/22 1:22 p.m.

Anyone been to Pilot Mountain State Park in NC?  The driveway into the park would be a fantastic hillclimb but it would shut down the park.

GreenWithNB GRM+ Memberand None
8/4/22 2:13 p.m.

I've chased this dragon for a couple years (3 events) and I don't care if I ever catch it. The hill is great but the people make it what it is. If you're interested in hillclimb I urge you to try it. Make personal goals and chase them. I've never seen anyone leave the event mad. My Miata is proof, you don't have to be fast to have fun!!!! See everyone in Norton (Flag Rock) 

8/5/22 3:14 a.m.

Was a lot of fun and a beautiful location! The Appalachian HillClimb Series is growing and is a good opportunity for East Coast racers to get a taste of this kind of event.

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
8/5/22 6:32 a.m.

This is one of the reasons I got the new Subaru. I can put tarmac tires and wheels on it and viola, more ways to have fun!

jb229 New Reader
8/7/22 10:14 a.m.

Absolutely beautiful drive, all that rain means it's just a tunnel through the trees.  Great run in that last video.



The PA Hillclimb Association puts on a few events a year a little further north in the WV/MD/PA area.

Black_ops_miata New Reader
8/7/22 10:21 a.m.

Excellent event!  They get better every time!  I normally drive, but I worked the event this year, which was almost as great!  So excited for Appalachian Hillclimb Series to be growing hillclimb in the area immediately south of PHA's legendary hills!  I didn't see it in the article, but a huge congratulations to Cody Puckett, who lowered Mark Aubele's already incredible hill record!  Philip Glass-Hess finishing 3rd overall in a Miata he DROVE to the event! What a f***ing legend!  It truly amazes me that this group can go to a stretch of road, and put together a full competition event, complete with water barriers, timing system, dozens of workers, EMS, fire, wreckers, communication, parties and festivals, tech, awards, and a giant blow up dragon hanging over it all!  Great! Amazing! Epic!  

Oh, and search all the videos, and check out the Appalachian Hillclimb Series and the various event groups on Facebook!  And check out Backroads of Appalachia, the non-profit that's been helping bring motorsports to the region! 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
8/24/22 10:29 a.m.

Just a bump because they're doing another hillclimb this weekend. 

Anyone from here going? Perry will be there taking pretty pictures for us. 

friedgreencorrado UltimaDork
8/24/22 1:15 p.m.
David S. Wallens said:

Just a bump because they're doing another hillclimb this weekend. 

Anyone from here going? Perry will be there taking pretty pictures for us. 

Have you seen his work from his 'day job' at the WV Capitol? He was always good (used to to our autox in Atlanta), but now that he does it every day, he's amazing.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
8/24/22 1:24 p.m.
friedgreencorrado said:
David S. Wallens said:

Just a bump because they're doing another hillclimb this weekend. 

Anyone from here going? Perry will be there taking pretty pictures for us. 

Have you seen his work from his 'day job' at the WV Capitol? He was always good (used to to our autox in Atlanta), but now that he does it every day, he's amazing.

Oh, yes, totally. Perry's non-autocross camera work is just amazing. 

californiamilleghia UltraDork
8/24/22 2:01 p.m.

Laguna Seca had a hill climb Sunday a s part of the Vintage races ,

They went up the corkscrew ,  and it seemed to be Pretty popular for the first time.

kb58 SuperDork
8/24/22 2:38 p.m.
californiamilleghia said:

Laguna Seca had a hill climb Sunday a s part of the Vintage races ,

They went up the corkscrew ,  and it seemed to be Pretty popular for the first time.

I wonder if anyone got airborne at the top...

I did the Virginia City NV Hillclimb back in 2019 and it was pretty awesome. In hindsight though, it's pretty dangerous if you're actually trying to go fast. Here's my slow-looking run, but fast enough to get into the "3:41 Club", so-named because the hillclimb uses Route 341, an old truck route. I recall my top speed being around 135 mph.


Asphalt_Gundam Reader
8/25/22 8:17 a.m.

Hill climbs are just a different kind of animal when it comes to racing.  No chance to perfect only to maximize what you have right this second with out going over the edge..literally. Total adrenaline rush! Did my first one last year and looking forward to doing the Waumandee Time Trails again in about a month. I took 4th overall last year and shooting for the top spot if not the record this year. Came up about 6 seconds shy of the record last fall.

BTW its in the Waumandee/Alma WI area and they have a few spots left. Classics only (30 years old +)

loudes13 Reader
12/6/22 12:54 a.m.

In reply to kb58 :

That road looks like a riot! I want more info!

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