New Reader
6/13/09 9:41 p.m.
As some of you may remember, I asked about the welders that HF stocks on their site. Well I noticed last night that they have a reconditioned unit on sale right now for the wicked cheap price of only $80 on sale! I ordered the welder and an autodarkening helmet for under $150 shipped.
It should be here in a week or so, then we'll see how it works out. Just wanted to bring it to the attention of the GRM crowd, so if anybody needs a cheap welder, this is probably the way to go. I think the sale ends tomorrow, but don't hold me to that.
The Link
6/14/09 10:11 a.m.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I despise those welders.
Here's a good thread on why:
ww, I don't see anything in that thread about how HF welders suck. I think that $80 welder would be real handy. Add a fan to the back to keep it cool and it should do fine. I have one very similar to this:
except that mine is 110V and I don't think they have that version anymore. I bought it 15 years ago. I was using it yesterday to weld up some rust on the Truck. With the fan, I've never had a thermal overload. Even a surplus muffin fan nylon tied on the back will do. The only bird's nest I've ever had with it was when I moved it 500 miles in the back of the truck with a 10 lb spool of 308 wire in it. That was my fault. I've probably put 40 lbs of wire through it.
For a first welder for a bill and a half with an auto darkening hood (the best welding invention, ever), I think that's a good way to get started. Put a fan on the back of it and start practicing.
Those welders are very different from what they were 15 years ago.
You're eventually going to buy a real welder so why not save the $80.00 and use it to buy a real welder later.
It has no gas capabilities and, when they change the design of the unit on the next shipment, will you be able to get consumables for it?
We used to sell crap welders and they were more hassle thanthey were worth. "No, you can't get contact tips for that model." "No liners available anymore, sorry."
Just buy a Hobart, Miller or Lincoln, even second hand and only buy your welder once.
You'll never complain about having more machine than you need.
Those HF welders use standard tips. And HF carries them. I bought some a couple years ago. I'm still on the 2nd or 3rd tip in my unit, but I needed one to reduce vacuum pulsations from the ITBs. Anyway, I like mine, as I have said, and I have used a Hobart Handler, and the Hobart had nothing on me. I prefer mine, actually, as when it is "off" it is really "off", unlike the Hobart.
Sure, people always say "That HF is a piece of E36 M3. I have a $20,000 xyz (TIG/Lathe/Mill/...) and it kicks azz!!" But if you got $80 and need some exhaust welded up, one job and it will pay for itself. Buy the extended waranty if you are concerned. Return the thing if you don't like it. Or, use it as a hammer.
in Indy, but its a great deal...can you cancel your shipment
That stick welder is good to have in addition to the MIG (or flux core wire in this case). They each have their specialties. I have an AC 230 amp Miller for when I need something big to stick.
New Reader
6/14/09 5:42 p.m.
Even before I picked up the Opel project, I've been looking locally for a used MIG unit to use and practice with. In the past few months, there hasn't been anything at all worthwhile in my price range. So seeing that price made it irresistible.
I figured worse come to worst I can sell the thing for basically what I paid for it, and still have the helmet for if/when I need a new welder. Hopefully it all works well enough for me.
I have one of the El Chepo Campbell Hausfeld welders that I have been using for years. I think it came from Walmart. It has welded everything from 1/4 plate to auto bodies. The cheap ones work fine as long as you don't expect them to weld like a $1000.00 machine. I keep meaning to replace it with a "good" one, but it does what I ask it to and I can always use the money elsewhere. You may find that the HF one is all you will ever need. I would have to agree with the Dr. on this. Keep us posted on whether or not you like it.
If you're looking for a MIG, you shouldn't have bought that.
That is NOT a Metal Inert GAS welder.
It's a flux-core wirefeed welder and it's barely a step above a stick welder. It needs more heat than a MIG because of the flux core wire and you'll spend more time patching holes it's burnt in panels and cleaning slag and spatter than you will welding.
Doc, I'm glad you like your welder, sounds like you bought a good one.
I've spent the past 5 years dealing with pissed-off customers who've bought Campbell, Century, Solar, Harbor Freight, Princess Auto, SIP, Deca and similar welders so I've seen more of the bad side.
I don't own a mega-buck welder, I have a Millermatic 135 and I like it plenty. I bought it used for $150.00 with a gas bottle included. I also have a Lincoln 225 buzzbox for heavier stuff.
I also have a P.O.S. SIP plasma cutter that I built up from parts of dead machines brought to my shop. When it dies, it goes in the garbage.
I might come off sounding like an ass but I've been repairing junk like this for the last 5 years. I'm just trying to warn you.
6/16/09 12:30 a.m.
I guess I should clarify. You may be lucky and get a decent example, but the majority of people don't. I'm not sure where you are, but Craigslist is your friend. When I was hunting, I checked my area and several surrounding areas every morning and just after lunch. I ended up with a Miller EconoTIG w/cart and Argon cylinder for $650. You just need to be patient and persistent and you'll find the right deal in time.
Ian F
6/16/09 8:07 a.m.
Craigslist... you guys are funny. I don't know where you guys live, but every time I look for one of those famous "cheap welders on CL" in my area (Philly) all I find are Harbor Freight mig welders for $300... I mean jeez.. people want $200 for a small Craftsman stick welder...
I bet you guys have one of those mythical Walmarts I read about that sells oil for TDI's as well... 
Ian F wrote:
Craigslist... you guys are funny. I don't know where you guys live, but every time I look for one of those famous "cheap welders on CL" in my area (Philly) all I find are Harbor Freight mig welders for $300... I mean jeez.. people want $200 for a small Craftsman stick welder...
I bet you guys have one of those mythical Walmarts I read about that sells oil for TDI's as well...
Yeah, when I searched for CL welders I didn't fine anything better than the welder I picked up at Tractor Supply. either they are over $1000 or aren't worth the trip to look at them.
Ian F
6/16/09 9:22 a.m.
it's probably jsut me, but I have worse luck finding stuff on CL than I do on feeBay...
6/16/09 11:33 a.m.
Regarding CL, the good deals are gone within hours. It's best to bookmark your favorite searches so you can check them often. Also, I set up iGoogle with my most common search terms (Miata, turbo, BMW, project, welder, etc) and iGoogle is my homepage so everytime I open my browser I see the latest adds. It's unlikely that an add would be posted more than 30 minutes before I would see it. All that being said, there are lots of great deals on CL if you really keep a close eye out for when they pop up. I got my Lincoln SP135 for $400 with plenty of wire, large gas cylinder, and auto darkening helmet. T25 turbo for $50. 96 Miata for $1000. You get the idea.
you guys need to use it used to be craigslist helper, but it allows you to search all the craigslist sites within a certain mile area, for philly I usually go for a 50 mile range, and that goes into jersey and I can find alot. But like everyone else said, you need to check everyday if you really want a welder on the cheap.
2 guys I know just bought lincoln welders on craigslist, both of them had problems, 1 minor, 1 major. the major one being that the main board needed to be replaced. So if you can check it, and test it, before you buy it then you'll be better off.
12/5/09 10:39 a.m.
Absolutely, test it before money changes hands.
mrhappy wrote:
How has the welder been?
Great had coffee with it this morning. .. . .. . Sorry could not resist.
Getting back to the start of this thread. I get irritated with people that say dont get a cheep small welder. You will only want to get rid of it. They are bad Ya De Ya De Ya
The reality is that for most people that is what they should get. This is why you see lincoln and other "good" welders on craigs list. They were purchased by the average person after being advised to get a good one and not wast there money on a cheep one. When in fact the reality is they probably will only use it 3-4 times. They will loose interest or just not have any more need for it. Now they are taking a many hundred dollar hit in depreciation and sell it. I blame this on very poor salesman ship with in the welding industry. A salesman should take the time to really asses the purchaser. I also blame the purchaser as most of them will go in with the attitude that they will be welding things every weekend and convey this to the sales person. When in fact a cheep $100-$200 setup would have been all that is needed for the 3-5 times they will use the thing in the next 5 years.
Another misconception is the need for Gas. Yes it is neater yes there is less clean up (grinding etc) BUT, again, for the guy that is only fixing the lawn furniture and tacking a bolt to something of repair a shovel it is just not worth the cost and complexity when a good old buzz box with flux core will get it done.
The biggest plus to flux core is the portability of it. I can take my welder to the track. Back when I was doing alot of 6-12 and even 24 hour racing this was huge. It is also great to be able to bring the welder to the part especially if it is still attached to the car in the driveway along way from the house / garage.
When purchasing a welder you really have to step back and be honest with your self. How much are you really going to use it? The reason they make a variety of sizes and quality of welders is that there is a verity of types of users. When the user is matched up correctly to the welder all welders are very good!
My roommate and I have been using a cheapy HF flux-core wire feed welder for about a year and a half. Zero complaints from either of us. We're still waiting for a good deal on a used MIG to pop up on CL, but the one we have has never given us a problem, though of course the welds are a little sloppy.
I have a 70 century welder that I bought for a motor swap in 94 used still works good I get tips at local welding supply
New Reader
12/5/09 7:14 p.m.
mrhappy wrote:
How has the welder been?
Honestly haven't used it that much. But then again I knew I wouldn't be using it much, but enough to justify owning one. For what I've used it for, its been absolutely sufficient. I won't say its and amazing piece of kit, because its not, but it certainly gets the job done.
mith612 wrote:
mrhappy wrote:
How has the welder been?
Honestly haven't used it that much. But then again I knew I wouldn't be using it much, but enough to justify owning one. For what I've used it for, its been absolutely sufficient. I won't say its and amazing piece of kit, because its not, but it certainly gets the job done.
This is exactly what I was talking about. Great to here this!!!! Sounds like the welder you got matched to your needs making it the proper welder for you.
A clarke welder, cart, mask, 2 spools of wire and a gas conversion kit for $374.99 plus free shipping. I'm tempted... Especially since it plugs into a 120 outlet!&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email