Advan046 wrote:
etifosi wrote:
Maybe look at the new Legacy,
The Subaru Legacy got the quick "That's ugly" response upon first viewing so despite it's accolades it is far down the list.
I was able to overcome being ugly with character. Oh, wait, the CAR is ugly. Hmmmm, no help here.
PeterAK wrote:
For no good reason I just searched Autotrader for 2010 and newer Accords with manual transmissions (manual because I would want that option). Holy cow, they seem like a steal! Three years lease payment at $250/mo is $9k. Why not own this one for $12 or $13k?
Go for it!
We are in the boat of having two older cars that have a growing list of TBD repairs (New radiator/leaking trans seal/oil leak from somewhere?/brake calipers). Primary driver of the new car wants an automatic. So for those reasons we are looking at the lease deals.
The lease will allow the others cars to go offline for the repairs.
8/14/14 2:59 p.m.
Mazda as well. My only hesitation with them is if you live in the rust belt; their cars have a well deserved reputation for rust. For a lease that would not be a problem. And I have owned several.
8/14/14 4:46 p.m.
Mazda 6 - I was impressed by it.
If the person driving the car actually likes driving, get the Mazda. To be honest, all of them really aren't bad choices, but I really like what Mazda did with the new 6. Even the base models look fantastic.
We chose a KIA. 

The Mazda 6 was runner up and mostly killed off by a very sucky dealer experience.
The staff there was just horrible and made it feel like we were at best an inconvenience for them. Only the salesman we test drove the car with seemed to car about selling us a 6. So rather than deal with a dealer 45minutes from us we went back to KIA.
This KIA purchase is the first dealer transaction I EVER enjoyed. Everything went great. The Optima isn't the everyday autocross like fun capable family sedan like the 6 bit I am way more happy to have a good dealer to work with over the next 3 years.
I wonder what some of the Mazda salesman and management would say if you told them that.
The 6 looks great. It gets great fuel mileage. It is by far the drivers car of the group. I say Mazda.
ls1fiero wrote:
The 6 looks great. It gets great fuel mileage. It is by far the drivers car of the group. I say Mazda.
Too late, Mr. Fiero - he's already chosen the Kia.
Congrats, Advan. We've had two in our family now, an '04 and now a '12 Sedona. They've both been reliable and useful for us. And the Optima is a very handsome sedan.
Mr_Clutch42 wrote:
I wonder what some of the Mazda salesman and management would say if you told them that.
Well so far I told the salesman I was working with. If they do a follow up I will tell them the same again.
He sounded sad when I broke the news. Probably because my wife and I really liked the car and he could tell we were into it. Tough to do a great sales job and have your coworkers lose the sale despite your effort.
But I doubt I will hear from them.