1/22/11 11:50 p.m.
...before I limp it to my mechanic's, I'm wondering a) if there's something I can check for or b) what I'm in for...
Car is a 2000 Civic DX
Left a restaurant on this 8 degree evening. Driving up a hill and suddenly the car starts stuttering hard and the check engine light starts flashing.
I limped it home because I wasn't about to wait for a tow.
Here's what's happening: engine is stuttering bigtime both at idle and under acceleration. At idle, the once smooth exhuast note is now a putt-putt-putt-putt
No knocks out of the engine (guessing it's not a rod), no peculiar smoke out of the exhaust that I could tell--tough to judge on such a frigid night. The exhaust smells a bit different, though.
I dunno if something as simple as a bad injector or bad spark plug could make it react so violently.
What should I check for before I try to limp it to my mechanic's???
It's been a banner week--my garage door opener crapped out on Sunday and now my daily driver is taking a royal E36 M3. 
1/22/11 11:54 p.m.
d00d - what code is it throwing?
email or call me, we can figure this one out.
Sounds like you are misfiring on more than 1 cyl. My guess is something in the dizzy from what you posted.
I have a few spares here, I'll have to look to see if any are what you need. I think they are all B series of OBD0 D series.
1/23/11 12:05 a.m.
In reply to Sonic:
You've got mail
BTW--I don't think I have your current cell number--mine's the same if it's still in your phone.
Yeah, check the code first. Do Honduhs still get Honda Disease? (Intake ices up, let it sit, ice melts, car runs fine.)
My experience with Hondas is that they have a strong preference for OEM ignition components. I bet that will fix you right up.
Agree based on what little info you have to share at present the Distributor going bad would be top of my list, then I would look at things like Map Sensor, but not until i read the code and did the obligatory inter-web search for what does a "P2xxx code really mean." Sux man Hondas are generally dirt reliable and give you a hint before they carp out.
Something in the dizzy. Quite possibly just a loose rotor screw.
1/23/11 12:37 p.m.
Sometimes the k series engines can skip a timing tooth or two on cold startup before the oil pressure brings up the timing chain tension (if the tensioner spring is not to spec)...
I know it's not a k series, nor a timing chain engine, but maybe a timing issue?
how many miles on engine? I would guess a timing issue as well. perhaps jumped a tooth or two.
Um so I admit to having a mild case lysdexia. or drunken typing finger, one or the other. 
LopRacer wrote:
Um so I admit to having a mild case lysdexia. or drunken typing finger, one or the other.
my wife loves drunken typing finger. gotta get her in the mood first though
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Something in the dizzy. Quite possibly just a loose rotor screw.
This is the most likely and simplest fix. You may even get lucky and have the screw caught on the hall-sensor magnet so it doesn't fall into oblivion when you open the distributor cap!