So, the little angry box roared back into life. I took it out today for a run, and it was happy.
For a while. Then it started to miss a bit under load, then a few backfires, then dead. I was able to fire it again a couple of times for a few seconds, but overall dead. 90 minutes later, AAA stopped by and loaded it up for the 5 mile trip home.
The plugs are dry. I've taken the SU apart and cleaned a bunch of sediment out of the bowl, cleaned up the inside of the dashpot and filled it with 20W-50 after discovering it was almost dry inside. All the various lines and bits were inspected and found good, and there was fuel in the bowl when I pulled it.
Now I can occasionally get it to fire and it'll run for 5 seconds, then just die. Pulling the piston damper out (to simulate the previous dry condition) seems to help, but I'm not sure. The plugs again seem to be dry. The fuel pump is delivering a considerable amount of fuel even when cranking. Everything that is supposed to move seems to move.
Umm, SUs aren't that complicated. When it was running, it was running strong. Ideas?