SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
It sucks to see a car (especially one that you have owned) in perfectly good condition, with the original paint, purchased and a sad attempt made to make a quick flip.
I'm glad they painted the Mustang, but thats moot, because it isn't mine. If the owner of the old
Ford wagon wanted it to stay original, he shouldn't have sold it. What I do with my property is my own choice. What you do with yours, is yours. I may not approve, but I have no say in the matter.
poopshovel wrote:
But what exactly are you saying?
If nothing else, please keep in mind that there has obviously some "cost-benefit analysis" regarding the message board lately, specifically as it pertains to political stuff. You go poking the bear enough, and he might just decide to burn the whole goddamned forest down.
This. We want the forum. Be nice to the management. From now on, if I have an issue with something, I will take up with them personally
Streetwiseguy wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
It sucks to see a car (especially one that you have owned) in perfectly good condition, with the original paint, purchased and a sad attempt made to make a quick flip.
I'm glad they painted the Mustang, but thats moot, because it isn't mine. If the owner of the old
Ford wagon wanted it to stay original, he shouldn't have sold it. What I do with my property is my own choice. What you do with yours, is yours. I may not approve, but I have no say in the matter.
He didn't have any say in the matter either. Maybe he had to sell the wagon because he needed the money. He just stated that it hurt to see a car which he felt needed nothing, get an Earl Schieb paint job and a E36 M3ty rattle can job under the hood, for what looked like a quick flip. I could understand that.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
It sucks to see a car (especially one that you have owned) in perfectly good condition, with the original paint, purchased and a sad attempt made to make a quick flip.
I'm glad they painted the Mustang, but thats moot, because it isn't mine. If the owner of the old
Ford wagon wanted it to stay original, he shouldn't have sold it. What I do with my property is my own choice. What you do with yours, is yours. I may not approve, but I have no say in the matter.
Here's what I don't get- why do people take it so personally what other people do to their cars?
If someone wants to restore their Mustang Selby, or totally rice up their Honda, or make their Neon a tribute to Kitties, or even just let their Porsche rust back to it's base material- why do you think it's YOUR business? It's their property, time, and money. They are not putting trash into your yard, polluting your air, holding up your drive, crashing drunk into your stuff, etc.
Seems like a massive waste of your effort to care that much.
alfadriver wrote:
Streetwiseguy wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
It sucks to see a car (especially one that you have owned) in perfectly good condition, with the original paint, purchased and a sad attempt made to make a quick flip.
I'm glad they painted the Mustang, but thats moot, because it isn't mine. If the owner of the old
Ford wagon wanted it to stay original, he shouldn't have sold it. What I do with my property is my own choice. What you do with yours, is yours. I may not approve, but I have no say in the matter.
Here's what I don't get- why do people take it so personally what other people do to their cars?
If someone wants to restore their Mustang Selby, or totally rice up their Honda, or make their Neon a tribute to Kitties, or even just let their Porsche rust back to it's base material- why do you think it's YOUR business? It's their property, time, and money. They are not putting trash into your yard, polluting your air, holding up your drive, crashing drunk into your stuff, etc.
Seems like a massive waste of your effort to care that much.
It's called sharing an opinion. And if no one is allowed to share an opinion, or only allowed to express 100% agreeable ass kissing opinions, then yes please, absolutely go ahead and shut the forum down because it would get boring pretty damn quick.
And yes I read the article, yes I've seen the car in person, yes I understand it wasn't the original paint, and yes I still stand by my opinion.
Aeromoto wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
Streetwiseguy wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
It sucks to see a car (especially one that you have owned) in perfectly good condition, with the original paint, purchased and a sad attempt made to make a quick flip.
I'm glad they painted the Mustang, but thats moot, because it isn't mine. If the owner of the old
Ford wagon wanted it to stay original, he shouldn't have sold it. What I do with my property is my own choice. What you do with yours, is yours. I may not approve, but I have no say in the matter.
Here's what I don't get- why do people take it so personally what other people do to their cars?
If someone wants to restore their Mustang Selby, or totally rice up their Honda, or make their Neon a tribute to Kitties, or even just let their Porsche rust back to it's base material- why do you think it's YOUR business? It's their property, time, and money. They are not putting trash into your yard, polluting your air, holding up your drive, crashing drunk into your stuff, etc.
Seems like a massive waste of your effort to care that much.
It's called sharing an opinion. And if no one is allowed to share an opinion, or only allowed to express 100% agreeable ass kissing opinions, then yes please, absolutely go ahead and shut the forum down because it would get boring pretty damn quick.
And yes I read the article, yes I've seen the car in person, yes I understand it wasn't the original paint, and yes I still stand by my opinion.
"Classic Motorsports Shelby, you should be ashamed"
"Classic Motorsports Shelby, I liked the patina better"
One is judging, the other is sharing an opinion.
Oh my god, really? Really? Are we a bunch of guys on a car forum, or a bunch of pantywastes ay a sensitivity awareness drumming circle? If so, please pass me the patchouli oil and a wheatgrass shake, and we can talk about our feelings.
Really. If you walk up to me, and say, " Your car looks like ass. You should go berkeley yourself." I will punch you in the face. If you walk up to me and say, "I like these cars, but I like them better original." we can have a civil discussion about how there is a chair for every ass.
I'm done.
Ian F
1/20/13 2:03 p.m.
Aeromoto wrote:
And yes I read the article, yes I've seen the car in person, yes I understand it wasn't the original paint, and yes I still stand by my opinion.
Well... in MY opinion, YOUR opinion is WRONG.

I think they should have painted it black and put flames on it.
Seriously, why jump om a guy for having an opinion?
Ian F wrote:
Aeromoto wrote:
And yes I read the article, yes I've seen the car in person, yes I understand it wasn't the original paint, and yes I still stand by my opinion.
Well... in MY opinion, YOUR opinion is WRONG.
Oh please stop, you're gonna hurt my feelings, please word that differently. 
Ian F
1/20/13 2:25 p.m.
Aeromoto wrote:
Oh please stop, you're gonna hurt my feelings, please word that differently.
I find your previous statement to be in error and beg you to reconsider. 
Aeromoto wrote:
Oh my god, really? Really? Are we a bunch of guys on a car forum, or a bunch of pantywastes ay a sensitivity awareness drumming circle? If so, please pass me the patchouli oil and a wheatgrass shake, and we can talk about our feelings.
Dear God in Heaven, It's spelled Pantywaist, I'm offended, I need some smelling salts.
Or bath salts, one of the two.
Aeromoto wrote:
Oh my god, really? Really? Are we a bunch of guys on a car forum, or a bunch of pantywastes ay a sensitivity awareness drumming circle? If so, please pass me the patchouli oil and a wheatgrass shake, and we can talk about our feelings.
Dude, you ARE sharing your feelings- did you read your original post? You FEEL that it's bad that they decided that the patina should give way to what they did. You FEEL that it's bad theychanged direction so much. You FEEL decieved.
But if it makes you feel like a better person, feel on.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Really. If you walk up to me, and say, " Your car looks like ass. You should go berkeley yourself." I will punch you in the face. If you walk up to me and say, "I like these cars, but I like them better original." we can have a civil discussion about how there is a chair for every ass.
I'm done.
This. Nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone/something, but civility doesn't hurt.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Really. If you walk up to me, and say, " Your car looks like ass. You should go berkeley yourself." I will punch you in the face. If you walk up to me and say, "I like these cars, but I like them better original." we can have a civil discussion about how there is a chair for every ass.
I'm done.
You'd punch someone in the face for that? We are doomed.
Although I do miss my 18-year-old ass, this thread has reminded me that one of the chief consolations of not having it anymore is that I don't have to hang around freshman girls anymore, either.
Which also reminds me: I need not look in on this sorority meeting again.
"Although I do miss my 18-year-old ass" Tommy move out??
1/20/13 10:57 p.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Although I do miss my 18-year-old ass, this thread has reminded me that one of the chief consolations of not having it anymore is that I don't have to hang around freshman girls anymore, either.
Which also reminds me: I need not look in on this sorority meeting again.
Didja punch them in the face if they walked up and said " Your ass looks like ass. You should go berkeley yourself?"
fastclown wrote:
"Although I do miss my 18-year-old ass" Tommy move out??
You owe the gubbermint a new, non-coffee and snot soaked computer keyboard
In reply to Aeromoto:
Personally, I find that saying something very civil yet cutting is much better than being blunt about it. Of course, I enjoy British Humor, too. For example, on seeing a big wing on a car, one might remark: "I like your aero, but I've read that a splitter on that model of car works better at the track. Have you noticed differently?"
I love seeing original old cars- mostly because they are rare. Not every one of those old cars was well cared for, so few make it to see old age in original condition. I would always rather see an old driver in any serviceable condition vs. a car slowly returning to nature, even if it means that it isn't original anymore.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Although I do miss my 18-year-old ass, this thread has reminded me that one of the chief consolations of not having it anymore is that I don't have to hang around freshman girls anymore, either.
Which also reminds me: I need not look in on this sorority meeting again.
I don't know. I have met sororities with less bitchiness then this thread.