My Google Fu is failing me here. I grabbed a new PS reservoir and lines from the junkyard yesterday but for some reason they drain some of the fluid out and then leave the cap off. The lines were full of mostly just PS fluid, but the reservoir had a nasty mix of fluid and water in it. Before I go contaminating my rack and pump, I want to clean out the lines and reservoir but all my Google searching comes up with its how to flush an already-installed system.
What can I use to try to clean out these parts that won't necessarily be harmful to the pump and each if there's some left in there? Part of the problem is that there's some sort of baffle in the reservoir so I can't just pour out the water and wipe down the inside. I was thinking mineral spirits or WD-40 and maybe blowing it out with the air compressor? It seems like an expensive way to go about it, but would the only "right" thing to do be to flush it over a bucket with a bunch of fresh power steering fluid?