4/26/16 9:18 a.m.
So, I recently got a used stainless-steel Racing Beat header from a fellow GRM-er and it's pretty discolored. I was wondering what everyone recommends for cleaning up stainless-steel. It'll never be a show piece but I'd like to get it a little more shiney and a little less brown.

4/26/16 9:41 a.m.
In reply to captdownshift:
Had to look that one up. Huh. I'll have to keep that in mind
For that level, I would think fine grade steel wool? (follow by polish of your choice)
You might be able to do it chemically with phosphoric acid in a solution, but you would want to clean it very well afterward before running it or residual acid could turn it black.
Wire wheel in an angle grinder.
Yeah, you're going to need something stronger than BKF for that level of discoloration. BKF is actually a pretty mild abrasive. I use it on glass.
4/26/16 9:53 a.m.
If you use abrasives, don't forget to passivate with an acid.
4/26/16 10:03 a.m.
Maybe I should just wrap it with some heat wrap or shoot it with VHT Flameproof instead? Looks better and cuts down on the insane heat these things throw off.
4/26/16 11:22 a.m.
BKF has 'Oxalic Acid' in it.
4/26/16 1:52 p.m.
This stuff has worked great for me in the past ... if you cannot find it locally, you can order it online.
4/27/16 10:24 a.m.
Start with "wood Bleach" Oxalic acid, then after a soak and scrub in that wash dry and use "Blu Job" found at most motorcycle shops.
Personally, I wouldn't bother. It'll just change colors again when you run the car -- that's what stainless does.
New Reader
4/27/16 11:26 p.m.
DO NOT USE STEEL WOOL. Any steel used against the stainless will cause rust staining and deterioration. Use scotch brite or stainless wire wheels. Also the stainless wire wheels cant be used if you have ever used them on carbon steel.
4/28/16 8:29 a.m.
Blue-job polish
Now that the picture shows up I'd just use the polish on it. Many bike guys will spray VHT exhaust paint down each tube to help keep discoloration down but I really doubt it last to long. The polish does a great job and seems to work easily enough.