Buddy of mine is asking me for tire suggestions again,he and his brother switched to NT01's this yr in hopes of decent speed/wear.
They burn thru a set each in a weekend on EF civic hatches.Theres talk of moving the class to a spec tire,needs to be an affordable,easy to obtain and reasonable wear and speed.
So what choices would you guys suggest?.Rivals,ZII's,RS3's or???
8/14/14 7:50 p.m.
RS3 seem to last a long time. Someone was astonished that a set was able to do 30 runs at crows landing and then still have plenty of meat left at 167 total runs (on a corvette, and they didnt spin and burn and kill puppies and kittens). For those that dont know, crows landing might as well just be a tire shaving machine where people go to drink and talk about cars and some people get trophies.
Toyo RA1 . Wears like iron.
8/14/14 8:39 p.m.
DeadSkunk wrote:
Toyo RA1 . Wears like iron.
Isnt that the same compound as the NT01?
I mean the real answer is heat cycled out V710's which will literally last forever.
Yeah no point going to the RA1,also where do you suppose a field of cars find a reliable source of aged out 710's?.
This is for road race not autox.
8/14/14 8:58 p.m.
Well I mean at this point any "new" V710 would be years old.
Do the rules require it to have a DOT stamp for the class. If you're going to a spec tire the people to go to are American Racer. They will make rocks if you ask them to, which is why their tires normally have a bad rep because they make a lot of spec tires that are supposed to be hard to drive on and last forever.
kevlarcorolla wrote:
So what choices would you guys suggest?.Rivals,ZII's,RS3's or???
I'd try any one of the three. My personal experience is with a Neon- when I was running at the pointy end of the field, on an older track, I had to rotate tires very carefully to make a set of proper R's last 2.5 hours. Any R- Toyo, Goodyear, Hoosier, didn't matter. Now, on a shiny new track I ran 2.5 hours on a set of Rivals, and I'm confident I have another two weekends in them. Slower, I think, and I may buy a set of R6's some time to do some back to back comparison, but I was able to chase a well prepped Integra on R6's hard enough to make him screw up a couple of times...
8/14/14 10:38 p.m.
BFG R1? I've been really impressed with the way they wear. The RA-1 of 2014 isn't the same old RA-1 that used to last forever.
8/15/14 6:00 a.m.
Hankook Z214's .. the C51 compound is their version of the R6 … and while it's not quite as quick as the R6, it lasts forEVAR …. I just passed on a set that had (best guesstament) ~ 80 - 90 heat cycles … still had plenty of tread, just had slowed down a bit … maybe 2 sec a lap … at CMP
the C71 compound is quicker (their version of the A6) but seems to last just as long
and even though the RA1 is the same compound it seems to have a long long life (something different in the construction maybe) ...it was the Spec Miata tire for a long time
My experience with RA1s goes back to 2007. I ran a set of 6 tires for 2.5 seasons of racing at Waterford Hills on a SpecMiata. They were the longest wearing tires I ever raced on.
8/16/14 4:27 p.m.
iadr wrote:
WBJones- typo fix- you mean Z214
Dead Skunk- as above, current RA1 is different now...
oops … yes… thank you … sometimes/lots of times my fingers don't listen to what I'm telling them 
I think they will be more interested in an affordable "street" tire over an R,my suggestion would be to spec a wet race tire like an RE-11a and a dry race tire like the rival etc etc.Need to be reasonably priced,provide decent wear on their old diamond encrusted track and also easy to be had in all the common sizes.
Please continue to discuss