I'm thinking of 2001-2004. What should I look for, what should I be aware of, how much should I expect to spend for one with less than 100K mi?
Specifically I'd like to know about the reliability of the 1.8T. I know the non-turbo 2.0 will last forever, but I'm concerned about buying a used turbo. This car needs to last to 200K miles.
m3shane wrote:
I'm thinking of 2001-2004. What should I look for, what should I be aware of, how much should I expect to spend for one with less than 100K mi?
Specifically I'd like to know about the reliability of the 1.8T. I know the non-turbo 2.0 will last forever, but I'm concerned about buying a used turbo. This car needs to last to 200K miles.
Don't get a 2.sl0w. I had one, did some work to it. They are SLOW, and I got worse gas mileage on a 5000km trip to Vegas and back then my buddies in their chipped 1.8T's :( There is no reason not to get a 1.8T now, since their prices have come way down. Spring for an '03 or newer (bigger turbo).
I've actually found MOST MK4 VW's to be very reliable. And if they have an electric problem, the VAGcom is great at telling you what the issue is :D
What should you look for? A different vehicle.
The dash does look very holiday-themed on them though, typically it could be mistaken for a Christmas tree with all the lights on/flashing.
The only person i know that has one doesnt like it much.
yeah electrical problems. my brother's MKIV had manual roll windows for that exact reason- one of the few newer cars i've seen with manual windows.
Well, if you get a Mk4 1.8t, go for the 2001.5, thats when the wideband O2 sensor came out, alot easier to tune. In 2002, the 1.8t had a horsepower bump from 150 to 180hp, so id say a 2002 and up Mk4 1.8T, then i could flash it for you and get you 210hp!
Ian F
12/16/09 9:03 a.m.
I've occasionally thought of a 1.8T GTI as a track-beater, since after 200K miles in my '03 Jetta wagon, I'm familiar with how they drive and removign most of the interior bits would greatly reduce the number of places for the gremlins to nest... Prices haven't quite come down enough yet...
IMHO, buying one of these will be a crap shoot... for every person that tells you it'll be an electrical and CEL nightmare, there is someone like me who has driven one 200K miles since new with nary an issue. However, I'm no fan-boi to the point of saying they aren't without their possible issues...
That said, aftermarket support is good and DIY support is great. If they have one major fault for a performance application it's a somewhat less than optimal suspension design.
m3shane wrote:
This car needs to last to 200K miles.
The engine will last 200k, but the rest of the car won't. Manual transmission is a requirement, try to find one with non-power everything. The fewer toys, the happier you will be.
Get the VR6 motor. Less tunable than the 1.8T but fewer issues and a much more drivable engine. I've had my 03 GTI with the 24 valve VR6 since new and have only had two problems with it.
1. Serpentine belt broke while on track, fixed it and im good.
2. Alternator went out, fixed it and im good also.
132000 miles and still in great shape.
What's a VAGcom? Sounds dirty.
Ian F
12/16/09 9:38 a.m.
Interesting. We had a VR6 for awhile... swore I'd never lay a hand on one of those blessed lumps again... 
The VR6 is god's left hand of V6s. The right hand is the KLZE.
Well, then His Right Foot (the one that does the stomping and smashing) is a VQ...
12/16/09 12:15 p.m.
I had one, a MkIV VW. Get a scan tool because you need to clear the CEL every week.
Stock up on Coil Packs, even the replacement ones die randomely.
they are a little "pigish" as in heavy. So even though the 1.8 turbo can be tuned, you still have to haul around a tank.
And mine ate wheel bearings. Even with a Bilstein Set up (PSS9) and a rear Anti-sway bar it still pushed something fierce. The "Monsoon" sound system sucked to high heavon as well.
Other then that they are kinda fun.. I guess.
Ian F
12/16/09 4:42 p.m.
wheelsmithy wrote:
What's a VAGcom? Sounds dirty.
Laptop diagnostic tool sold by www.ross-tech.com. You pretty much can't seriously do DIY wrenching on a VW without it.
i dunno about you guys but the quattro a4's are getting damn cheap in the 2.8 trim now adays.... yeah the 2.8 has a E36 M3 load less support the the 1.8t, but then again it cost less to get to the 200k mile mark as well.
the 2.8 V6s are terrible motors...
Ian F
12/17/09 10:01 a.m.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
the 2.8 V6s are terrible motors...
Yeah... wish I'd known that BEFORE I bought my (used) A4... that blew up on the drive home from the dealer...
digdug18 wrote:
i dunno about you guys but the quattro a4's are getting damn cheap in the 2.8 trim now adays.... yeah the 2.8 has a E36 M3 load less support the the 1.8t, but then again it cost less to get to the 200k mile mark as well.
2.8L Audi V6 != 2.8L VW VR6
Ian F
12/17/09 8:54 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
2.8L Audi V6 != 2.8L VW VR6
Umm... I hope "!=" is supposed to mean "not equal" as the Audi 2.8 is not a VR6.
12/17/09 9:34 p.m.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
the 2.8 V6s are terrible motors...
Not to threadjack... but why?
Somewhat closer to the topic...the sound from a VR6 has always struck me as weird. (Odd firing pulses?)
VR6 has the firing pulses of an inline 6, I believe.