4/15/12 9:43 a.m.
So, I have a small metal shop in my garage... very basic, but it includes things like a small vertical bandsaw, low power belt grinder, dc tig welder, and now the Atlas mini lathe.
I had been hemming and hawing over what I could build that would last me a long time.
The other day I was working on gustav, and I just about threw my creeper into the wall. That's when it hit me.
I'm going to build the ultimate creeper. No corner will be cut.
But, if I'm going to make the ultimate creeper, I need the ultimate group of wrench monkeys to help me select ultimate features.
What would your ultimate creeper do? I don't care if it's ridiculous ideas, just spit them out.
- Not flip up when you try to get out of it
- Be as low as possible
- Have a removable pad to lower further if needed
- wheels that can roll over air tool hoses without much issue
- adjustable angle head rest
- some kind of cage protection from falling vehicles
- makes bacon on the hour
- can draft a bulletproof prenup
Needs a magnetic tool tray at just the right spot so your hand falls right to it. Nothing worse than having to slide out from under a car just so you can crawl back under the car to find the missing pieces so that you can grab them again and slide back under. God I hate that.
4/15/12 9:50 a.m.
Must keep beer refrigerated.
4/15/12 10:03 a.m.
I'm trying to find a link for the one I saw at PRI. Crush protection, built in lights, tool tray, big wheels, etc. Only thing is for a little more $$ I'd just buy a lift.
big knobbly casters that still allow the "chassis" to sit low
mag tool tray is an amazing idea
maybe one on the other side for nuts and bolts
adjustable head rest
stable (not flip up when you try to get out of it)
I would think that pneumatic tires, you know, filled with air, would make it easier to roll over obstructions. Larger diameter will help, too.
How about built-in trouble lights on either side of your head to free up a hand and with two you would greatly reduce shadows.
How about a remote for your stereo? ;-)
Where your waist lays on it, have the aforementioned magnetic parts tray on the left side (if you're right-handed) and a tool tray on the right side.
A special spot for a pair of safety glasses, for when you're under the car and realize you need them but forgot them on the bench...
If you incorporate a padded head rest, do NOT cover it in vinyl. Cover it in thick leather from an old welding blanket/apron.
I have one of these from HF:
Yesterday I was under the datsun replica adding some steel plate to my transmission tunnel when a bit of falling cruft from the welding set the headrest on fire. (I'm fine....just had to raise my head away from the tiny flames and let it burn out....scary, though.)
planning to recover the headrest in leather.
Do whatever is required to avoid this. I solved the problem by going bald.
4/15/12 11:05 a.m.
I personally wouldn't bother with the crush protection. It will get in the way when trying to work. Just be careful when placing the stands, etc. I like the light and tool spots though. With a coiled air hose mounted from the ceiling, the hose is rarely on the ground for you to run over...
4/15/12 11:23 a.m.
Yeah, the crush protection is something I don't get. For one thing, support your vehicle correctly and there's no worried. Another thing, that creeper (the one posted before) would need the car 3' in the air to clear the cage. Then you're always working with your arms at full stretch, no leverage.
Either castors like the ones on that HF creeper OR build some from rollerblade wheels(sourced from garage sale rollerblades)
Personally I like ME! So I like the crush protection.
Have you ever had someone accidentally knock a car off it's jack stands? I have. Fortunately no one was underneath it.
Make the crush protection removable so that it won't get in the way of getting under smaller and lighter projects.
Don't forget some crush protection for the family jewels and legs too. This also gives you something to pull up against when you want to get out.
4/15/12 12:12 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
If you incorporate a padded head rest, do NOT cover it in vinyl. Cover it in thick leather from an old welding blanket/apron.
I have one of these from HF:
Yesterday I was under the datsun replica adding some steel plate to my transmission tunnel when a bit of falling cruft from the welding set the headrest on fire. (I'm fine....just had to raise my head away from the tiny flames and let it burn out....scary, though.)
planning to recover the headrest in leather.
That is the creeper I have. The casters aren't too good when you try to change directions. Of course, I'm pushing the weight limit.
4/15/12 1:15 p.m.
I'm planning on making the 'roll bars' removable. The lathe should be able to make some nicely fitting parts with the strength required for that purpose.
Keep the ideas coming, guys. It won't be insane, I just want to make something nicer than what I can get down the street that is heirloom quality.
I have the red HF creeper in my basement crawl space. I use it to get across the concrete. The Comcast guys used it to run wiring and were impressed I had a creeper to use in my crawl.
Like everyone else has said, bigger wheels. They can be as big as your body is thick and not create any issues.
I don't think you'll be able to get anthing that will run over an air hose easily tho.
4/15/12 2:59 p.m.
Bigger wheels will roll easier, but be harder to turn. 
Turning is really important.
I was never a creeper fan so, for me, it would have to be no taller than two sheets of corrugated cardboard.
4/15/12 5:16 p.m.
Woody wrote:
I was never a creeper fan so, for me, it would have to be no taller than two sheets of corrugated cardboard.
I feel mostly the same way.
I'm now where I can post an image. Here's the creeper post-fire

carguy123 wrote:
Personally I like ME! So I like the crush protection.
Have you ever had someone accidentally knock a car off it's jack stands? I have. Fortunately no one was underneath it.
referring to this thread:
Build these!

4/15/12 6:23 p.m.
I tried to do that but all the wood I bought was brittle and split thirty different ways. After that I decided it probably wasn't the best option for me. I stick to tires for the most part now.
4/15/12 7:46 p.m.
Put a skirt around it, hook it up to the airline, and you have a hovercreeper!
That's the best suggestion yet.