A tree recently crushed my VW based Fiat 600, wondering if anyone might have a spare body (or rear section) for sale locally, or anything else that's small and can be grafted onto the Fiat front clip.
Little truck, storage shed, sedan delivery, mini station wagon, anything at all that I can stick on the back end and work with.
The remains are in Carver Massachusetts, but I've got a trailer and can travel at least a short ways to pick up.
Thanks ! ! ! !
I have some pics of the wreck, but not sure how to post them . . .
ouch! Wish I could help, but I have not seen a ratty 600 in years
They show up sometimes in California, but they are about $5k. My parents had one years ago that they only paid well under $1k for.
Does any British MG or Sprite stuff work? Prob not but I know a guy...
TeamEvil wrote:
A tree recently crushed my VW based Fiat 600, wondering if anyone might have a spare body (or rear section) for sale locally, or anything else that's small and can be grafted onto the Fiat front clip.
Sorry about the roof chop, I can't offer any help, but I'd love to see some pics in happier times.
somebody beat me to it....
Links to a couple of pics of the Fiat 600:
I've been thinking of maybe grabbing the corrugated metal shed that a buddy is offering and maybe making a simple crude delivery van back for it similar to those on the old 2CVs, or maybe look for a compact pick up fiberglass truck cap. Something cheap and silly that might help convert the remainder of the body into a 60's style Euro utility vehicle. Like what the original Mission Impossible folks were always dashing in and out of.
Wow. I don't think that will buff out. Looks like you'll be starting from scratch on that one
I see you taught that tree a lesson!
Tom, lets cut the roof and windshield off, and minii moke the bad larry. Picture that front end with no doors and a golf cart back end. Throw a stripped canvas cabana roof, and a fold down Lexan windshield on it. We can put on white loafers and cruse the retirement village picking up some super cougars. Or we can just build a cage on what's left and make up a fiberglass Abarth body for the back half. I prefer the option that comes with an invite to a shuffle board tourney.
Here's some help with the photos:

Bummer! I think the original concept was cool enough that it warrants continuing. Unfortunately there was a perfect shell in the local pick n pull but it's since been crushed.
Mini-moke ? ! ? !
Just how much of a Liberace do you think I am ? ! ? ! ?
Thanks for the photo help, Woody !
Unfortunately, without another body, the original concept isn't possible . . .
Oh well, it was a surge of enthusiasm but I doubt that it'll continue. Best junk it and move onto that TVR, just need to save up another grand to make my offer.
I like the idea of making a corrigated "delivery" body for it
What kind of TVR are you looking for?
How wide is that and where is it. Could it be grafted onto the front of a golf cart? I might be interested depending on location. That front is just too cute to scrap out.
Ian F
6/25/13 6:43 p.m.
Unfortunately, the only other Fiat 600 I've seen in recent memory is buried in the woods of a park I ride in and is in no better condition (roof is similarly crushed).

I cried a little for you. :-(
6/25/13 7:35 p.m.
I'd vote for a hot rod jolly. Put a nice wicker body on the back, cabana top, and it's all golden.
Here's one: