My father died when I was a teenager in the mid 80's. Since then, I have come to find out from some relatives that he owned in their words, some interesting cars. All I know is he had is a 64 Impala coupe for sure. Is there at way to find out what somebody owned without the vin numbers, or any type of records?
If any of the family has old photo albums with pics of the cars in them you could scan & post the pic the forum and someone will identify the car faster than you'd expect.
Our DMV charges $1.00 to produce a record of vehicle ownership. You fill out the form and they tell you what vehicles are registered to the name you provided. The report also covers historic records. I searched my name and they had me "owning" cars I'd sold in the 90s. I also attempted to find the VIN of a Triumph TR3 and '72 Ford Gran Torino my Dad owned in the early 80s. They didn't have record of either, but I suspect they do on microfiche. So, results may not be perfect, but it's an option.
Are you able to search your dad's old papers for bill of sale, registration, or invoices that may have a vin?
My dad never threw out any paperwork, we were able to document all the cars he owned all the way back to a used '32 Ford he bought in 1936. 
I checked and there is no paperwork on any past cars. We moved a few times after he died and it was thrown away in the moves. I live in Pennsylvania. I will check and see if they offer the service you mention Apis Mellifera. The few photos I did find of him with cars were not with his cars so that was no help. Although I found out my uncle owned 1974 Corvette.