Found this site recently that does custom label plates for stuff. Thought the toggle switch ones were pretty cool and fairly cheap, thought you guys might find it useful: Carolina Laser.
I don't want to futz with cutting rectangular holes for the rockers everyone else use to upfit a trail rig, and these looked like a nice way to pretty-up basic toggles that use a round hole. Any other creative methods for nice looking switch labels?
I use an old Dymo label maker with aluminum tape. Not as nice as those little panels of yours, but much quicker to make because I don't have to order them 
Like this.

I had some round ones made at a local trophy place. They turned out nice and looked good in the Jeep they went in.
In reply to Stefan :
Best. Button. Erver. Uhh... “cuz”
I like this one:

Their stuff is cool but also $24 each for existing designs. The stuff I linked above is under $5, plus whatever cheap switch you want.
Where's a good source for cheap switches? Something that, you know, looks and feels like a really expensive switch but only costs a few bucks and will be around for a while. I don't think I want toggle switches. Too ghetto. Nice rocker switches. I need headlights, accusump, maybe fans. I rigged the fuel pump to be triggered by the oil pressure.
The Spitfire headlight switch is labeled Off, Dim and Flicker. It looks like the factory plate. I have no idea where it came from. It was in one of the boxes of stuff that came with the car.
Dr. Hess said:
Where's a good source for cheap switches? Something that, you know, looks and feels like a really expensive switch but only costs a few bucks and will be around for a while. I don't think I want toggle switches. Too ghetto. Nice rocker switches. I need headlights, accusump, maybe fans. I rigged the fuel pump to be triggered by the oil pressure. has good quality switches with a few different styles of rocker.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
I think you just changed my life. I didn't know there was such a thing as aluminum Dymo tape...
EDIT: From the product page on Amazon: "For heavy-duty, extreme-condition labeling"
ultraclyde said:
I like this one:

I am totally getting one of these for the Valamino! Maybe customized to say "Start ya berkeleyer", don't know if that will fit.
Ransom said:
In reply to Keith Tanner :
I think you just changed my life. I didn't know there was such a thing as aluminum Dymo tape...
EDIT: From the product page on Amazon: "For heavy-duty, extreme-condition labeling"
I mean, I'm dangerous enough with the standard labels. But armed with extreme HD labels, everything gets a name. I have a complete drawer in the workbench labeled "labelers" - I have ones that go horizontally, ones that go vertically, ones for plastic, ones for aluminum...and one unsatisfying unit that's really just a printer.
The aluminum tape comes both with and without adhesive. Some of the labelers have a hole punch built into the end so you can rivet the labels in place.