Ladies, gentlemen and lentlemen, the moment you have all been waiting for has arrived. The world's first (as far as I know) track Daewoo Nubira made its debut last weekend in the forests of Taebaek City, South Korea. Without further delay, I present to you this video, cleverly edited to make it look like I can keep up with JCW Mini Coopers. 
Please feel free to suggest anything as far as setup or the car's strengths and weaknesses. And my driving too. If you see anything I'm doing wrong please let me know.
The embed thing evidently only works in the preview window. 
New Reader
10/5/10 11:28 a.m.
I was all stoked until you started talking trash about TDIs.
My first track day was in my beloved Golf TDI with a full Audi TT front suspension and brakes and a full set of power upgrades from my RallyVW TDI brothers.
The car was more limited by poor weight balance and suspension geometry than it was power and would beat on Mini Cooper S's all day long. I sold it for more than I had in it and picked up an EVO RS. It was a lil faster but not much! 
Thanks! I really enjoyed that. My wife even started cheering for you.
dsycks wrote:
I was all stoked until you started talking trash about TDIs.
My first track day was in my beloved Golf TDI with a full Audi TT front suspension and brakes and a full set of power upgrades from my RallyVW TDI brothers.
The car was more limited by poor weight balance and suspension geometry than it was power and would beat on Mini Cooper S's all day long. I sold it for more than I had in it and picked up an EVO RS. It was a lil faster but not much!
That came from the fact the stuff on the paddock was seriously intimidating me. I figured that if there was any hope, it would come from what I assumed was a 90 hp TDI. Turns out our car was better than I expected, but it also turns out that wasn't a TDI, that was a Golf GTD. Think 180 hp diesel with the GTI chassis. The don't sell em that way in the US.