I am among a few of us that have to ask just what are you guys looking for in the way of ideas for freelance ideas and photos for stories for the magazine.
I know I do photography on the side and some writing and I know there are several poeple from the boards that do writing.
Can you please enlighten us how some of the fans can come up with ideas to run past you guys to help pay for out drug of choice called GRM and cars. What types of stuff you guys are looking for and what you need to do to run an idea past the staff to get an ok for writing something up or submitting pics for an event?
Thank you GRM staff in reading this post.
photo guidelines, found by following the "photo guidelines" link at the bottom of the home (not forum) page:
I'll add one more thing that's not on the list:
GRM $201x Challenge rule #27 says
Front license plates and holders shall be removed. We think these are ugly and will reduce the likelihood that well use your car, if so equipped, in any large shots in our coverage of the Challenge.
Take notice of the background. A busy background doesn't help. Please avoid junk behind and around the car: tents, people (or parts of people), Dumpsters, light poles, etc. A cool background can help, but a busy one doesn't.
There goes my photo with the dumpster full of light poles, tents, and people parts for a background.
Thanks for the interest. Basically, it starts with a query letter sent to me via e-mail: What's your idea and what do you propose? I'm also going to want to see some writing and photography samples.
I'll be honest with you guys, though. I receive a ton of half-baked queries from people who eventually flake out. However, those who can deliver tend to become regulars.
Also, a PS: Consider your query letter to be an interview of sorts. If it's poorly written, full of typos, and makes little sense, we're probably not going to get far.
Many years ago Carl Heideman delivered the perfect, efficient story query. I gave him the okay, and he quickly delivered the actual text and photos. Guess what? Since then, he's been a very, very important part of our editorial team.
I'd love to contribute to GRM or CM as well. I don't really have the resources to put together technical articles, though, as I lack the workspace, the funding, and to some degree the experience to do them. I'm way more competent at doing motorsports events, and I'd be all over test drives or features on other people's cars, but there are tons of people already doing all that stuff, so who knows if I'll ever get the chance...
David S. Wallens wrote:
I receive a ton of half-baked queries from people who eventually flake out.
ha ha ha ha. I think that was me!
"....a ton of half-baked queries from people who eventually fla..."
Strange, I don't remember ever sending GRM or CM a story idea or pix...
Integraguy, maybe you flaked out before even submitting it.
Thanks for the info, and to the OP for asking the question. I'll keep it in mind...
thanks for the advice MR. Wallens for the comments that I know some of would like. Know just to what needs to do does help the rest of us though.
But what types of things is the magazine looking for for types of stuff that is good for ideas and what types of ideas just dont work?
Old thread revived by spam
Massive necropost sparked by the now-removed spammer, but it might be worth re-asking the question: David, do you have any identifiable needs coming up in the next year or so?
What might you want to see for potential stories?
JoeyM said:
I'll add one more thing that's not on the list:
GRM $201x Challenge rule #27 says
Front license plates and holders shall be removed. We think these are ugly and will reduce the likelihood that well use your car, if so equipped, in any large shots in our coverage of the Challenge.
Since this was I'm hoping that was a typo introduced by Joey and not the editorial team.
In reply to BoulderG :
We have a pretty full editorial calendar for 2023, but I'm always open to queries. You can just send them my way.
Man, I haven't seen Cko post in a loooong time.
Damn, fall for it everytime. =~ (
Speak of Satan and he will appear. Sorry, just been busy doing other things and not so much related to cars lately or even a lot of photography this year.
I did not even get out to the dirt track once this past year...sigh.
One demo derby the family was in, and one car show in Sept with a friend, but I did get to the biggest show in my area this year for the 2022 AMC Homecoming. I should post a thread to the pics for you all.
In reply to ckosacranoid :
Hey, welcome back.
Yes, share pics and stay a while.
Check out the post I am not dead yet for the photo dump....