Like the title says, anyone know more about this? A place where you can get a full list of factory options that were installed on a specific vehicle?
I know for BMW you can, I've used those websites. I also know that for some Fords you can...put the VIN in and you can recreate the Moroney sticker (not sure what the criteria is for ones you can and ones you can't, I've seen it both ways). But what about other manufacturers? Honda, GM, Chrysler, Nissan, Toyota, etc... Does any website exist that will let you pop a VIN in and see if the car has the "leather and lace", "whips and chains", or "hellaflush suspension" option package?
I think its down to if the manufacturers allow it. I'm pretty sure Pontiac offered it as a service years ago.
Also, it would be of limited use for some cars. IIRC, port installed options were a thing for Japanese cars all the way into the 90's.
I've seen sticky posts on make specific forums that have a breakdown of the VIN to options list.
Definitely for old GM/Chevy stuff, as well as Ford's and even some Japanese stuff. So it's out there. As for a place to just punch in a VIN and find out I'm not too sure.
Other than BMW, I'm honestly not sure if any other manufacturer does it.
Every VIN check I've tried for other manufacturers leads me to the same extremely basic decoded VIN, but not an options list.