The name of my $2018 Challenge team is South Atlanta Speed Shop (SASS). I think it would be cool if I incorporated the Atlanta city seal into an old-school hot rod themed logo, replacing the phoenix wings with exhaust pipes and adding drag tires for feet. See E36 M3ty drawing attached. I clearly have no business trying to be artistic, but it would be awesome to have this in digital form, so I could print and trace it for painting onto my car. Or just make cool stickers out of. Anyone willing to help? I'll let you take Datsaniti for a few autocross runs at the Challenge.

In reply to maschinenbau :
I think it looks perfect as-is!
At this point, I'll probably free-hand that E36 M3 assuming I actually have time to paint my Challenge car. It's crunch time!
What's your time frame? I can work on it a bit.
And yes, I know when the Challenge is, but are you looking at 24 hours from now or 24 hours from the Challenge or somewhere in between?
9/30/18 8:01 p.m.
If I get in front of my desk in a reasonable time tomorrow and am not mad at the world, I'll put something down.
I'm expecting to paint next weekend, so anytime between then and Challenge would be cool!
The "headers" suck because I can't find pictures I like to copy so I drew them. Badly. Lots needs to be fixed. I took a picture of my screen because my software is being a jerk or I'm dumb. I'll work on it more tomorrow or someone can feel free to run with it.

Edit: Mndsm, if I can get you a good PDF of the circles and words can you do your magic on it for the bird and headers? That part is easy, it's the actual art that trips me up.
9/30/18 10:36 p.m.
In reply to mazdeuce - Seth :
I work solely on paper right now, but if you can give me rough dimensions, I can work my magic. I have an idea in my head how I want it to go. I'm in Minneapolis right now, but I should be in front of my desk sometime tomorrow afternoon. Or, I can just bang out the bird, rough in the circles and go from there. I have a pile of drafting tools I bought because they were shiny. I should use them at least once.
10/1/18 5:21 p.m.
ok, I have the logo done. I can't get it loaded up for the life of me.
10/1/18 5:30 p.m.
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
Thanks. My VPN is an shiny happy person.
That's amazing! Now I need to figure out how to transfer it to a paint job I haven't done yet. Thanks so much!
10/1/18 8:01 p.m.
In reply to maschinenbau :
Find someone with a cutter, have a vinyl made. Worst case scenario, I am currently scheduled to be at challenge as the track is less than two hours from home. Or, get a cheap projector and do a little tracing ala shawnee creek. I believe seth is still going to mock up the seap as well.
Can you email me that at ttwo.elm at gmail
I think I can run a trace, clean it up, integrate it into the seal and make it worthy of vinyl/t-shirts
That’s an awesome logo. Y’all did good.
Being from the ATL, just do the exterior of the car in black and bronze and interior in pink velour and gold and go with the theme of "international John Player's club"
10/1/18 8:49 p.m.
In reply to mazdeuce - Seth :
Done. It's on you now.
If this is going to work scale wise, then I'll keep tracing. Msdsm's work is too elaborate to auto trace so I need to do it all by hand. Takes a while, and then takes longer to edit it all, but I think this might end up cool.

I was trying for this one on the Fiero. I wanted it in a fire lime and neon greens. same shade;s but green.
22w x 30l if someone can ,
It's kool other ATLANTAINS are Giving the Phoenix some Love
In reply to mazdeuce - Seth :
Looks great! What about moving ATL. to the top line? I think it would be easier to read that way.
BTW, you guys are awesome. 
Since GRM was down last night I got enough done to get an initial cut done in vinyl. As soon as it's light enough I'll stick it to the truck and take a picture. If the final details can be decided I can finish it and cut it tonight when the kids go to bed. Roll it in a tube and send it out to maschinenbau. At that point you just stick it to a piece of flat-is glass, shine a light through it, and trace it as big as you want.
I agree with ECM that the the ATL might be better on top, but maschinenbau gets the say. I can do more and more iterations, but they'll take about an evening's free time each.
MoJo is right , I said that to myself at each rendition, the wings/ pipes of fire can cover over the words in a way you can easely read it.
I found this bird I want at Flaming Phoenix ..on GOOGLE that may be easier to apply to your back ground, then you just have to get the words right and copy/ paste over that.
I have seen some birds that look more Motorized..Gearhead looking at Firebirds / flaming birds
Still learning how to integrate the flames with the border (I think I know how now) and working with line widths to make it all possible to cut on vinyl, but I'm impressed with mndsm's art. Talk about it and decide how it needs to be revised.

Ya'll are just amazing. I love it as is, but if I had to change anything, maybe the pipes could point more upward and beveled at an angle to emulate the original seal's wing shape, kind of like in my drawing but less crappy. I think the wording layout is great. But wow guys, thank you so much!
Seth, I would greatly appreciate a few vinyl copies! Thanks for the image transfer idea too. I think I could totally do that.