Given we're a fairly ingenious bunch here, I'm hopeful I might be able to find a work around for a little snag I've hit.
I'm about to undertake a timing belt change on my Landrover Discovery 300tdi engine... But I've got a bit of a problem... Come time to tighten the belt, I need to pull 11nm on the tensioner. Service manual calls for a dial torque gauge, but at 250-500 dollars, it's not a tool I'm racing out to buy.
The common alternative suggestion is an old style, non mechanical deflecting beam torque wrench. The kind with two arms and a scale, where you pull and as the bar your pulling flexes the other stays straight and points to how much torque is being applied. It's a great, cheap alternative except that they're more or less unobtainium these days in Australia thanks to the rise of cheap clicker type torque wrenches. I've asked around the tool shops, family and friends, even a couple of old mechanics I know, but to no avail.
Normally I'd just set a timing belt by feel/eye, but given that Landrover amended the torque required from 15nm to 11nm, it seems like it's fairly critical in this application.
So is there any way J can reliably pull that torque spec and hold it while I tighten the retaining bolt without either of the two above mentioned tools?
I've thought about setting one of my torque wrenches at 11nm doing A couple of test pulls to get a feel for how far/tight it will be and then bumping it up to 12nm and trying to hold it just before it clicks, but not sure I trust that much.