We’re enamored with our Garmin Catalyst, but we had an issue: How do you carry it to and from the track?
With a camera, windshield mount, tablet, suction cup, cables, adapters and accessories, a Catalyst is an unwieldy collection of stuff to bring to and from the race track.
And, shockingly, we couldn’t find any off-the-shelf cases.
Sure, we …
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I don't have a Catalyst, but I might be buying up a case or two for my (slowly) growing 35mm camera collection.
Handy tip, I've sometimes wanted a Pelican case but never had Pelican case money For small equipment I've found dollar-store zippered hard cases from the electronics section to be very handy, similar to this:
Thanks Tom. I was wondering how to store my Catalyst. Getting some foam glue to keep it all together.