12 F150, 9 3/4 rear diff.
Never seen broken races before.
One side bearing:

The inner races, also broken, but the other way:

And, for good measure, the front pinion bearing:

And, the rear pinion bearing wasn't actually too bad.
I've seen lots of bad bearings, but never cracked races. Upside, getting the side bearings off the diff case was a piece of cake.
That's pretty spectacular.
buzzboy said:
Water intrusion?
Yes. I think. There was a tone of chocolate milk to the gear oil. I just don't know where the water came from. Vent tube is not broken, and is mounted up into the box crossmember.
I was wondering if it was coming in the pinion yoke spline, because the front pinion bearing was stuuuuuck so hard, I had to torch the inner race to get the pinion out of the diff, and looked to be rusted on. But, the spline wasn't rusty.
Boat ramp in a previous life, it was probably in there for a while. Nice Carnage!
I'll go with moisture wicking through the pinion splines, so yes boat ramp life. That's why I'd always put a splash of PTFE thread sealant on the pinion splines.