Hi , we just had some suspension parts cut out by waterjet , and we still need to weld them together
But then we need to paint them , they cannot be powercoated because there are too many hidden areas that powder coating will not get into.
So we were thinking of dip painting them in a bucket of Rustoleum.
It is only to keep the raw bare metal from rusting ,
What would you use to thin the Rustoleum with , and what will dry out the paint the best ?
Has anyone done this before ? Any tricks or disasters to look forward to ?
Thanks for your advise
When spraying Rust-Oleum on an automotive exterior application, we sent it with mineral spirits and add a touch of hardener. I don't see why this wouldn't work for dip painting as well.
"Mineral Spirits" based regular, not slow, paint thinner. Cheap at Wally world or Lowes. You can also use acetone, but I always thin with mineral spirits paint thinner. I've added hardener occasionally also.
Oh, also, when you're done and it has air dried, try to hang is up in your shop oven and bake it at like 200 or so until it stops smelling. I think I have even gone to 300. It really "sets" the paint.
I've read that back in the day auto manufacturers would dip paint some components (like suspension A-arms) by floating a thin layer of paint on top of a vessel filled with water. I know some people have tried it at home with a water bucket.
What percent mineral spirits can I add ,?
I was planning on dumping the gallon of Rustoleum in a 5 gallon pail and adding mineral spirits.
I typically thin my Rustoleum 25-33% when spraying. I don't see why you couldn't go 50%. Or 0% and just slosh it around. If you can get it, the Appliance Epoxy is incredible stuff.