I'm having trouble getting my steering wheel straight after using the spray-can method. Whats the trick?
I lift the car, spin the wheels, spray a line on the tires, mark the center of the line, drop the car, drive it up and down the driveway a few times, measure, adjust, drive again, measure, got desired settings.....crooked steering.
So say the steering wheel is tilted to the right, do I need to go more toe out adjustment on the left and toe in adjustment on the right?
That sounds about right. Be sure you turn the same amount to keep the toe setting.
Crooked just means you have things off to one side. How you adjust depends on the rack being in front or behind the wheels. In any case, once you figure out which way you need to go, make the exact same amount of rotation on each side and you're home free.
I worked with an alighnment tech back in the early 80's that thought nothing of loosening the steering wheel then yanking it off and sticking it back on while test driving the car. Scared the E36 M3 outta me the first time we went to lunch and he did it.