Anyone ever done PDR themselves? Any links to good how to guides or videos?
Last time I paid someone to do it they charged $50 per dent. Between our 3 cars that would add up to an absurd amount.
Looking at this kit on Amazon... any one have any input?
8/2/16 12:20 p.m.
The kits may or may not contain the tools you need, but I can guarantee that they will not provide the skill required.
PDR does require an understanding of how a dent is created, so that the process can be worked backwards.
The guys I have watched use a lot of long pick tools and a very light touch to get dents out. Lighting is another thing that seems central to the process.
Kit shown is more like $500

I played around with a friend's set when he used to do it. It's far, far easier to make a panel look worse than to make it look better.
8/2/16 6:01 p.m.
The good guys are just amazing to watch work. The skill to hit just the right point once and shnick it's done...
Get a spare hood the tool nohome listed as a start then use a golf ball in a sock to make some dents. Definitely will need good lighting, light stand and a lot of time to practice.