Ordinarily, I'm not terribly impressed by the likes of Hummers and other large vehicles. But today I saw this truck-RV thing on the road and visited the owner's website. Unfortunately, it's in German (his website has a Swiss extension), but it looks like he's got a home-built RV on a MAN truck platform that he ships all over the world to travel in -- he's in WA state right now. The tires are at least 3' diameter. I thought it was cool, in a DIY kinda way...

Website: http://gatho.ch
7/14/09 10:53 p.m.
Very cool. I like how (relatively) compact it is. And I can't think of anything quite like it that you could buy from a showroom.
Here's a translated version - http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http://gatho.ch/&lp=de_en&btnTrUrl=Translate
7/14/09 11:01 p.m.
Hey, we just camped with them! Not literally, but they were just a few spots down at the Crater Lake campground in Oregon on 4th of July weekend. It was a cool rig, and they seemed nice. Jessica waved at him as they pulled out and he waved back. 
If I owned that, I might have to race it at top speed to Dakar.
7/14/09 11:26 p.m.
That thing is pretty sweet, it reminds me of an RV I saw on some design blog a while back. A couple of Belgian architects built this one out of a Unimog:

Unimog RV
There's one on the web(that IIRC was posted here a couple years ago) that someone built on a retired airport firetruck chassis. I remember the owner/builder stating that he & his wife liked remote camping, but she had MLS so he built this rig to allow them to get far off the trail, yet still be comfortable for her - it even had a lift for her.
Wish I had a link.