Just curious. I often have people ask me if I want to sell my 1987 Porsche 911. It's kind of understandable with e price of old air-cooled P cars escalating so much in value in recent years. I've even had people knock on my door at home when it's in the driveway to see if it's for sale. I guess they're hoping they can steal it for a song.
More recently I've been driving my fathers old 1996 Ford F250 turbo diesel extended cab truck. It's a low mileage truck in excellent condition. There's not a week that goes by that somebody doesn't come up to me and asked me if I'm interested in selling it.
What has your experiences been with regard to unsolicited offers to purchase one of your cars or motorcycles?
No one approaching you about the Corvette?
Has not happened a single time with the Infiniti Q45 
John Welsh wrote:
No one approaching you about the Corvette?
LOL. Yeah I'm having to beat them away with a stick for that fine piece of automotive engineering!
You obviously have not seen what I drive...
...no, in other words 
4/6/17 9:58 a.m.
Just one time.
I was driving my very first car. It was an '81 Camaro in primer grey, chrome steel wheels. It looked awful in every way. I painted it lots of random rattle can jobs, including one with polka dots. I was driving it downtown in Syracuse and a guy pulls up to me in a vanagon or something with tiny spoked wheels sticking way out, laughing, shouting "I love your car!!! Want to trade!?" I said no. I wish I hadn't.
I can understand the truck for sure. Hell if you were local I'd probably have made an offer by now.
But no, no one has ever wanted to buy any of my rusted customs.
Just this weekend I was driving the TR6 when some crusty looking dude in a ratty Caddilac STS (with black aftermarket wheels) yells over at me while sitting at a light "For Sale?"
I said "yeah--- everything is for sale... for the right price"
He didn't like that answer.....and drove off. Not quite sure what he was expecting me to say-----"Oh yes sir, it is for sale, and for you, it's five dollars! " 
It happened fairly often in my jeep yj. Not so much in anything else.
I came out to a note on the windshield of my '87 Maxima back when I was 16. Turns out they just wanted it for scrap.... I was not amused.
4/6/17 10:19 a.m.
I used to get offers on the Le Mans all the time, before it was Curtis's. Since then, not really.
People used to ask if my TII RX-7 was for sale fairly often. I was asked if my Forester XT was for sale twice when I drove it up to New England to visit my family, most likely because there is zero rust on it and the paint is still shiny.
When my 280zx was on the road Id get asked everytime I got gas.
I think the common theme here is older cars that are worth a lot (AC 911, 7.3 PSD truck) that maybe not everyone knows are worth a lot. So these scumbags basically just approach everyone they see with one, hoping that one day someone without a clue will sell it to them for $4 grand because they haven't kept up with values.
The reason no one approaches you about the Corvette is that the opposite is true, everyone with a Corvette thinks it is rare and special, and doesn't realize they made a zillion and no one ever throws them away.
I get the same thing in my 2nd gen Trans Am. Prices on these have been going up recently, so everyone is on the lookout for some bumpkin who doesn't know better than to sell a W72/WS6 car for two grand.
1994 toyota pickup, had a few people ask to buy it then I crashed it, not so much now.
Only a couple people asked about buying the mercedes, I just tell them no.
Happens pretty often in my '72 El Camino. Usually though it's just old white guys at the gas station waxing nostalgic. Everyone seems to have a story about an El Camino from their life. When you drive a classic El Camino, you are now everyone's El Camino story of that day.
I had about four guys stop to buy my 1995 F150 Flareside. My wife was the one who was home and had to turn them down each time.
We had a delivery guy ask about my Mazda which wasn't for sale. He ended up with it so it doesn't hurt to ask.
Never had Danny Koker (aka The Count or is it Kount?) pull me over however.
When I was DDing my 1970 Impala 4dr it happened at least twice a week. Some guy hanging out a car window yelling "Hey man, you wanna sell that car?" Had a lot to do with the popularity of large old GM cars in the part of town I worked in.
When my Corolla had good paint people used to ask to buy it everywhere I went whenever it was clean. I don't get requests so often these days now that it has Mad Max paint, but I got one request when I took the car for some exhaust work about a month ago and another at a track day in December. Not selling it any time soon after the amount of money and work that's gone into it.
I get requests fairly often for the Samurai. Recently had one guy at a mini-mart who was just determined to buy it, offered me $3500 on the spot. Problem is it would cost me a good bit more than I'd get for it to buy something that can replace it...probably at least $5k.
4/6/17 11:02 a.m.
Had a guy knock on my door about my 90 Hardbody and another guy track me down at my shop when my 89 C1500 was parked on our lot for weeks.
Seems to be a truck thing in my neck of the woods.
Ovid_and_Flem wrote:
Do people ever ask to buy your car unsolicited?
Not as often as I leave notes asking to buy peoples' cars unsolicited. I've left my card with a notes to the effect of "Nice M5! If you ever consider selling it or just want to talk old BMWs please email me." or "I'm interested in the old M6 that has been sitting in your side yard for 3 years. I'm a BMW enthusiast. I know it is rare and will make you a fair cash offer and tow it away."
Never works :(
The Triumph yeah, often. The Jetta, never.
A guy offered me $5k for my '70 CB750, sight unseen, based solely on the fact that it runs and hasn't been customized...
I was flagged down in traffic by someone who wanted to buy my Lancer Shelby. Not 3 months later I was stopped in traffic by someone who wanted to buy my Subaru Justy.
Both sold at handsome profits. Neither were pretty, just uncommon and seen by the right person.
People ask about the 911 fairly regularly. I also get.....not offers, but "call me when you sell" about the V wagon.