I do get some interest when I drive the B2200. Once while I was loading a new dryer in the back at Home Despot. I replied, "I can't sell my truck, how will I haul stuff?"
He really wanted it though, talked my ear off while I was strapping that dryer down lol.
I have a standing offer from 2 people to sell my wagon anytime im ready. They both randomly followed me places
4/6/17 5:16 p.m.
I get more "What the heck is that thing?" queries than offers, but some of the fleet attracts offers - the Lamborghini certainly did and the Jamaican always has a couple of people after it.
Odd thing is that if you finally decide you will sell a car and contact the interested parties, half the time they suddenly decide they weren't as serious as they (or you) thought they were.
'81 Chevy 4X4 project. Couldn't fit in garage because of lift height so it sat in carport 100' off the street while workin' on it.
Water company guy fixing leak spotted it from across the street and approached me, nope. Tree cutters spotted it and thoroughly looked it over unaware to me, nope. Shared one pic at work and three guys wanted it, nope.
I sold it out of state one hour away because I'd never wanna see it again.
'79 Z-28, black on black. 15 y/o paper boy kept pestering me forever. Kid, ya don't want that car.
Couple years later I sold it to him. He knew his E36 M3 and had cash. Done.
My father-in-law told me people would ask him all the time if he wanted to sell his Lumina - he gave it to my son and most days I wish he would have sold it.

4/6/17 7:03 p.m.
People would ask about the 911 targa all the time. Lots of folks wanted to talk about the e28 but mostly to tell me about the one they used to have.
Not my cars, but someone was adamantly trying to buy my truck the other day.
I've had some interest in the Fairmont, but everyone seems to think it should be cheap, like maybe it sounds like that because it needs a carb rebuild or something.
One night a few summers ago, right after I backed into a spot at the local criuse-in, an older fella with a cane wandered over and said, "Sounds good. What'll it take?" Confused, I said, "Excuse me?" "To buy it! What'll it take?" "Oh. Well, I couldn't build another one for less than 21 grand." He looked slightly surprised, and said, "Well, that certainly is a nice car!" and wandered off. I chuckled to myself.
4/6/17 8:28 p.m.
Got random offers to buy my 97 F150 frequently.

Occasionally got offers to buy the Focus, but only from people who knew what I had done to it.

Huh, I really thought this thread was going to be nothing but really nice, rare stuff- but a number of the cars listed here are relatively normal, at least by GRM standards. Maybe it's a regional thing? That, or people can tell that I don't want to talk to them.
In reply to ¯_(ツ)_/¯:
Hey, kid...get off my lawn!
Nope, this has not happened to me. I've been asked "what kind of car is that?", but never once if it was for sale.
Ovid_and_Flem wrote:
Just curious. I often have people ask me if I want to sell my 1987 Porsche 911. It's kind of understandable with e price of old air-cooled P cars escalating so much in value in recent years. I've even had people knock on my door at home when it's in the driveway to see if it's for sale. I guess they're hoping they can steal it for a song.
More recently I've been driving my fathers old 1996 Ford F250 turbo diesel extended cab truck. It's a low mileage truck in excellent condition. There's not a week that goes by that somebody doesn't come up to me and asked me if I'm interested in selling it.
What has your experiences been with regard to unsolicited offers to purchase one of your cars or motorcycles?
Sometimes. But I'm pretty sure they're just trying to meet the passenger, my daughter.
My Cherokee used to get offers about once every two months.
The AW11 MR2 got them occasionally.
The Mazdaspeed3 gets some seriously low ball offers about once a year. Heck might have been the same guy for all I know, those have all been notes insteadof being asked in person.
Nothing yet on the Miata, and since it has some body damage as well as tape holding the top together, I don't expect that to change. In good working order, relatively rust free underneath + LSD were my requirements, not pretty looking.
I have had people offer to pay me to get it out of the neighborhood, does that count?
I sold my M5 that way, he bought it off my trailer after chasing me down the interstate to a rest area. I doubt I'll ever have a repeat of that!
chandlerGTi wrote:
I sold my M5 that way, he bought it off my trailer after chasing me down the interstate to a rest area. I doubt I'll ever have a repeat of that!
So it was like a real-life version of that Vegas "reality" TV show?
I once found a note offering to buy both of the cars in our driveway--the wagon and our 240SX. I thought that was a bit random. No, haven't called the guy yet.
I have a 96 Impala SS and a 67 Lemans convertible.
Its a daily event 
4/7/17 5:46 p.m.
My 67 camaro which I've had since I was fifteen and is now in need of restoration is continual. I have my dump truck parked in front of it so it is hard to see from the street. I'm sure they are looking for the "barn find" for pennies.
New Reader
4/7/17 9:57 p.m.
A few years ago I purchased a stock 2000 Civic Si with low mileage on it as a daily and for quite a while I had people ask if it was for sale, although it happened to my wife more than me. She just used to answer that she knows what the car is and what's it worth.
Now that I've more than doubled the mileage on it and driven it in the winter, the offers have tapered off.
I sold two cars this month without listing or telling anyone they were for sale. I've got a reputation for having good cars for sale, often people come and see me when they need something and I have one. It's a hell of a lot better than dealing with cl.
keethrax wrote:
My Cherokee used to get offers about once every two months.
The AW11 MR2 got them occasionally.
The Mazdaspeed3 gets some seriously low ball offers about once a year. Heck might have been the same guy for all I know, those have all been notes insteadof being asked in person.
Nothing yet on the Miata, and since it has some body damage as well as tape holding the top together, I don't expect that to change. In good working order, relatively rust free underneath + LSD were my requirements, not pretty looking.
I'll give ya 4K for the ms3....
4/8/17 7:41 a.m.
I get occasional offers on my 57, regular offers on my 99 Z28, and there's a line to buy my SC if I ever decide to sell. No offers on my MR2, which surprises me a bit.
when I had a stock pile of Fieros, I would get random offers all the time. only cars Ive had since that people tried to buy was my Crown Victoria ..... fresh paint, new FR500 wheels and tastefully lowered, had quite a bit of performance mods. after I told him all this he gets in the car, makes sure the electric seat will go all the way backwards so he can "ride it my n*" and proceeds to offer me 500 bucks. I told him to leave my property lol